Hardcore Gameplay Patch

Hello this is aimed at Vineet!
1. When the Computer is bowling the game is great, Fast bowling, lots of edges etc.
2. When I am bowling i am not as fast as the computer is, this is not good. Also the computer should be better batters.

Once you have done steps 2 and 3, this is the best game in the world.
Thanks very much,
actually, i'm starting to wonder what each of the lines do in the cfg files.

does ne1 know the actual cfguration settings and who is willing to post the explanations up?
haha, just finished my second game with the new hardcore patch. I made 8/864 and bowled south africa out for 158.... i guess its time to use the very hard one... or maybe even extreme... Anyway, id just like to say thanks for everything youve done to cricket 2002... I thought id played it to death after having it for about 2 weeks, but now with all your patches n stuff, feel like i could keep playin forever, keep up the good work man :lol:
well, all of a sudden im 2/25 off 6 with the very hard one on... excellent. There were just a couple of things i wanted to add.
1. Im virtually certain it would be impossible, but is there any way to introduce the too-high rule for noballs. (ie. deemed a noball if it bounces over the batsmans head) and where you can only bowl one ball between the neck and top of the head per over. It would add even more realism, but like i said i doubt it can be done, but oh welll
2. With the hardcore patch on, when a bouncer is bowled around the halfway mark, no matter how well i time it, the batsman always plays and misses, is there any way to fix it?
3. Its almost impossible to play pull shots to swing bowlers, and most other shots are much harder too, even if the bowler has an avg. of 99.. I know they should be a bit harder to hit.. but not that much
4. and lastly, alot of the time ill go through a match, like when i played sri lanka. Vaas some how bowled 15 overs, and murilitheran (forgive the spelling) wasnt even given a bowl...

Dont get me wrong, i love everything youve done for cricket 2002 but i was just wondering if there was any way you could fix more of EA's mistakes :P

Thankz alot
sorry.. one last thing... and im not trying to sound like a whiny bitch here ;)

..The computer has never bowled me a no ball.. Just lots of wides (sometimes 8 or 9 in an over..) is there any way to try and even it out a bit and at least see a no ball every once in a while? :D:D
i dont' think the no-ball thing is able to be fixed coz i think that's how EA made it. but u could edit some bowlers to make a better average so they could aim easier which would reduce the wides
yeh man thanx, i thought of that, it fixed it a bit, but even with bowling avgs of 20 there were still quite a few wides, and it just made the game too unbeleivable.... Kenya absolutely thrashed south africa, bowling them out for 34.... hahaha
But yeh hopefully theyll fix it for 2004.... and hopefully then itll have full stats tracking :P, either ICC style (just adding on to their previous stats) or SW/BL style (completely new scores, just tracking what happens when you play)

y is every1 so sure about cricket 2004 and its going to be released...it might not

but hopefully it will, and also be improved

cricket 97 was so crap, cricket 2000 better, cricket 2002 reasonable so we can expect sumthing from 2004
And someone write some tips of about how to play with the hard core patch vineet wrote in the description
Authentic cricketing shots required to score runs not slogs.
However batsmen can now use the pace and send the ball to the boundary with a well chosen shot
haha he has just done it opposite atleast good authentic shots were before the hardcore patch now does he have any answer to this vineet read my previous post also.
Hey man... You dont really need "tips" on how to play with the hardcore patch... Block the yorkers, go for pretty much anything else, try and pick the slow balls as they usually leed to miss hits.. I think this is the best patch out yet, even better than the WC patch because it adds a larger degree of difficulty, making this game more like the real thing.
-=du88nc=-... there will be a cricket 2004.. Ea already have a release date for it.. and so do some online stores... dno where you're gettin ur info from but yeh.. it will exist... Just hope they do a better job on it, and include alot of the changes vineet has made
which shot to play in hardcore patch (extreme) to swing bowlers
when i leave the way outside off stump bowl i get clean bowled
plz help
everything else is perfect except swing and bouncers...........(which goes overhead..... :P )
hi... i know these things were posted ages ago, but im completely disgusted with what some of you had to say, especially you Insha... Instead of TELLING vineet what to do, and saying some of the things he has done are bad (which is completely untrue), how bout doing it your f****ing selves?... Im sorry for the language, but honestly... Vineet has improved this game greatly, and has he ever asked for anything in return?
i completly agree with Da3m0n here. We should all thank Vineet for his ongoing effort in truing this mediocre game into a Cricket revaloution!

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