Ideas For Next Generation BLIC


PC Journalism Contest Winner
Jun 27, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Weve basically got to the near release of BLIC. (Us Brits Anyway). I wanted to know what you people wanted as additions to the next game. Now dont go on about frontfoot/backfoot shots. Or the Advance. Or the lack of counties. We've overdone those way way to much. Im talking about the other kinda things. Heres my list:

- Bowling Health Meter (Bowler health degrading as they bowl so many overs
- The bowling confidence seems to work almost to quickly. I think it should mabye take a bit longer. Same with the batting
- Bowling speeds. I think one thing with the current game is that although it says 45mph I think its actually quicker.
- Licences would help loads. It would make 1000s more buy future games.
- Online play. I dont have it myself but again it would work.
- A special shot button. IE a button which would play different types of shots not often used. Reverse sweep , Strauss sweep

All for now thanks.
Here are a few things I would like to see,

- Can create own team
-Online Play
- Actual Pitch report
- Match Presentation
- More state teams/counties (not only international like this one)
- special tournaments (Twenty20 etc)

All for now
Atleast play the full version. Yet you haven't played the full version yet and you alreadystarted about Next Generation of BLIC
LOL... That's true, but these are something we know are not included.....
Yeh as they said the demo isnt the final code for the game so you cant be sure some of them things are not in this game, like faster bowling
Look everyone, so far Codies has been providing us witn info and look at customer opinions, I'm sure they will release a patch to fix all the problems peole may have. :)
advance shot! only thing that is really missing from this game

When you hit a boundary it sometimes cuts to crowd holding the 4 or 6 paper up. Only a small feature but it'd be a great one!
These sort of threads should be postponed till after the release, don't you agree?
You can?? I thought it was only to create a player, not a full team...I'm talking about a Team editor included in the next version, something that let's you name a team, choose the kit, colours, and make all the players...
Better keeper animations, The keeper in BLIC has got small keeper gloves with no web like in previous days, and claps his hands cross-handed rather than parallel, which is unrealistic, on top of that every ball he runs up to the stump as fast as he can, which is unrealistc too, I personally think in a proper manual fielding video game of cricket, there should be four buttons used properly :

i) two for trying to hit the stump on either end of the pitch or throwing near the stump

ii) two for throwing the ball to the keeper on one end and the baller or the fielder covering the stumps on the other end.

What do you think of that

Mr. Collingwood said:
When you hit a boundary it sometimes cuts to crowd holding the 4 or 6 paper up. Only a small feature but it'd be a great one!
Excellent Idea, I thought the same too, I think what the developers do is watch some cricket video's and then they will come up with some briliant ideas.
That would be quality if there was some crowd animations like that.

Can i ask a question please what is vcash

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