Post your questions about the game here!

Hi ross u have shown us stunning stuff.

Will u like to talk about commentary?
How much different it is from previous cricket games?
hi ross
do we have any well known cricket themed music for menu,s etc
cheers graham
(sorry running out of questions, while waiting for the big annoucement )
Until now you have shown us everything on console specs right? So that means we are going to have a significantly improved visual than what we have seen so far while we play on our computers?

Definitely. As Ross has mentioned many times when releasing shots or videos, that those were taken on console level. So graphics on PC will probably a notch better then console if one has the machine capable or better
That's impressive if the graphics shown so far are xbox360. I thought it was PC!!! Was expecting to be disappointed when I got the game but its something else to be happy bout!!!
That's impressive if the graphics shown so far are xbox360. I thought it was PC!!! Was expecting to be disappointed when I got the game but its something else to be happy bout!!!

The graphics are from PC but at console resolution (720P i believe).

But I am not sure, whether the console versions will look as sharp (AA settings) as the pics/video posted. We will find out soon enough.

Hey ross, the official trailer you guys are making, will it be captured from pc or ps3/xbox360 ?
Thanks israr. I saw in another thread someone asking about bein able to edit skill sets??? Does this mean you could create a player, max out his skills and giv him stats rivalling The Don himself from day one? Or do averages etc hav to be earned? Does it differ if you create a player just for general play or for a career. Otherwise it might be too easy in the early stages of your career if your stats are better than Tendulkar, The Don or even Chris Gayle???
Regarding stats and attributes, we know as much as you. It will be clear in the next academy how and what will happen with these settings. Ross said they have done something we will like and appreciate and should lessen our work load.
Thanks again israr. I hav a 2 day free Xbox live card that came with my new Xbox 360( the one that has 250gb) hard drive. Im waiting for release of DB to use it cos I'll spend first two days after getting the game downloading teams and players I think!!!!
Thanks again israr. I hav a 2 day free Xbox live card that came with my new Xbox 360( the one that has 250gb) hard drive. Im waiting for release of DB to use it cos I'll spend first two days after getting the game downloading teams and players I think!!!!
I would assume, but it would be nice to confirm, that the Cricket Academy wouldn't need an Xbox Live Gold account - just an internet connection.

It's usually just online mutliplayer that needs a Gold account, though I suppose there aren't really any games I can think of off the top of my head with anything similar to take an educated guess on.

Only 1gb for over 4000 players??? Really
Because players don't have individual textures, you're downloading a few variables and some stats, they are tiny.
will we seriously need an xbox live account to download stuff from CA in our game?

that's not just for online play? that's a kick in the nuts - i had NO INTENTION of getting an xbox live account.

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