Story Story Forums - Feedback/Suggestions

Where can we improve? ( Your feedback is IMPORTANT to US )

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Yes, exactly. Also, we can't expect much activeness here when there aren't many stories up and running.
I've got a suggestion. About we do it like the Planetcricket were managing the ICC and we start from May 2007 so we are actually using real names. The availbe teams will be.

New Zealand
South Africa
Sri Lanka
West Indies

Bangladesh/Zimbabwe won't be chosen as they will be the same squad as real life.
League's have been done like that before, where PC members manage RL international teams, if that's what your suggesting. If you want to make a story out of it you'd have to add your own writing and a storyline, on-top of posting the matches.
Satya: Stop it Binnu.. I know what you're trying to do now... Do whatever you want.. but I LOVE YOU.... And please don't leave me.....

Prithvi: Buddu... I Love you too... but..... I can't just give it up as easily as you're thinking.. And don't do anything rubbish nowwwww....... Stop re..... STOP.... Oh sh!t... its all over:noway

Upcoming is a story, which deals with a person, Prithvi,
who has a huge dream of becoming an international cricketer, but
has a girl, for whom he gets into a situation where he struggles a lot to choose between Love and Cricket.​

Finally, lets hope that he will be successful in
Integrating Love with respect to Cricket

.....Coming Soon
I think it is better if it doesn't. Story forum needs a revival of some sort though. I really wish to stick to the IPL story and finish it, hopefully we are done with the auctions soon.
Apologies in advance, I'm using my phone to post this. If any typos etc come in blame the samsung galaxy s (s one not s two or the super fancy s three). EDITED so that those typos are now non-existent.

I think a huge thing in this forum is writers who get disinterested in their own story the moment they start losing or not performing as they think they should. They underperform in a couple of matches and suddenly they lose interest. Everyone wants to win but what makes a great story is reacting to losses and seeing what comes next. Also I think that a lot of writers put so much effort into their first few posts that when the time comes for an update and they can't match that quality they decide to end the story altogether. Look, there will be poor updates. Hell I took almost a full year to finish a simple 3 match odi series. Stick with your story.

I again would like to highlight good writing skills. Your reader needs to feel like they're at Lord's or the WACA. They want to feel each ball, feel the pressure of good bowling and brilliant batting. They need that from you as a writer.

My last point is that if you're not going to commit yourself to a full team story where you can go on for years, why don't you write single series or a tournament? Those can be amazing stories on their own and they would only be a few matches. Show your skills in ten matches instead of half-assing it for two years...

Those are my thoughts on the issue. My own story is going to continue without graphics, but I'm doing it because I love writing it and I know my readers love reading it.

EDIT: How in the world could anyone read that!? Note to posts are not an option in the future...I fixed things so that you can actually read it a bit better now.

In addition to my above thoughts, I'd like to add that since I started my own story, there have been countless others which have been started and have looked AMAZING. But where are (practically) all of them now?


It takes dedication to write a story. You have a real life, we all know that, and we all have lives too. I'm guilty myself of not updating for months on end. But the moment you post that important opener to your story, know that there are many people on here who want to read and see what you do. And when you say you can't go on after three or four matches...we're all disappointed. We're even more disappointed when you create a new story the next day, only for THAT to end after three matches in itself. It annoys us. It annoys me. I read every single story update that's posted in this forum. It's to entertain myself, get immersed in another person's work, and also to get ideas on how to improve myself. When you disappoint me like that, I'm hesitant to follow your next story, because I have a feeling you won't go anywhere with it, no matter how good it looks or how nice you make it.
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Agree with you and i love your story mate
Qpee, I get what you mean. I'm guilty of doing that many times now. I've started stories and left them in the middle. There have been numerous reasons but, one of them being what you said. Under performing! Yes. But, now as I've been saying, I'll definitely be committed to this IPL story of mine. Something I always enjoy. Shouldn't be a problem. Cheers for instilling that positivity. :thumbs
Any chance that the story forums could be merged in to one. Although both forums are lacking the activity they once had, the cricket story forum is much more active than the other forum. Merging them may encourage players of all games to write a story if there is a larger potential audience?
Even though the other game stories has no activity, is kind of serves as a gateway to the other leagues and the mafia games, like this used to to the cricket leagues section. I just think that it makes more sense to keep the other stuff separate from the cricket stuff, but that's just me, it wouldn't really bother me if they got merged.

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