The Planetcricket Arms - the friendly drinking thread (TFFSL welcome)

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TFFSL could play like Zimbabwe and still beat this lot
You're obviously thinking about the Twenty20 when Zimbabwe beat Australia. You'll only be winning one thing on this tour and that's an advertising contract from a company that manufacturers sleep medicine.
You're obviously thinking about the Twenty20 when Zimbabwe beat Australia. You'll only be winning one thing on this tour and that's an advertising contract from a company that manufacturers sleep medicine.

...because everyone is so excited by our aggressive style of play they need something to stop themselves from staying awake all night thinking about how well we played?

You guys will need some of that sleep medicine to help you get a good night sleep and stop you from waking several times a night from the nightmares that will haunt you for the rest of your lives once the tour is over
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I think I should umpire.

"What? Your trying to tell me he edged it?.. Nah no way"

"But it went to 3rd slip!"

"Consider yourself reported for complaining"

PC 0/300... Ok, its settled, being the most unbiased umpire on the ICC panel I will umpire :D
This thread is getting dull. Someone needs to say something controversial.

You lot are a bunch of monkeys.
This thread is getting dull. Someone needs to say something controversial.

You lot are a bunch of monkeys.

Excuse me while I bend over and bear my arse in the general direction of all PC members as I have a quick look at tassie's av.

well, as they say... "monkey see, monkey do"
Jarman...Jarman....What a stupid name
And what's with the magic?
PC will take that magic away from you!
So you WILL walk around like a slapped arse!
You know've just made my day!
TFFCL members might be a bunch of buggers....but they surely make me laugh!
*Looks at thread title*
:rtfl :rtfl
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