Unofficial Tournament - Round 2, 3, 4 Initiated

Siku and I are going to play our game soon. If anyone is having problems setting theirs up, please PM me or post here.
i really think the 9 (or is it 10?) hour ahead difference is an issue in me playing a game with madmattg, im a bit of a night owl myself and im going to bed now at 3/4 my time and hes more than likely still asleep or going to school/work etc, and its gonna be the same for him when hes online im gonna be asleep or busy as im free mid to late afternoons/evenings and not mornings. Its neither of our faults, and im happy to try and schedule a match in advance.
Me(West Indies) vs Playkid(India)
Good game got a hatrick!

JustTim, if you're having problems with the time, I can make the due date for your first game when the group stage ends. I think that's reasonable. I already give more time than all of the tournaments to finish a game because this tournament isn't at a specific locationa and you play people from all around the world, but just make sure you have this game done by the due date for the last group match (1st post). It's next month sometime, so you should be fine. But if you can't do it by then, it will be posted as a loss for both teams. If anyone has a problem like this, please report it to me and I'll make that match due late too.

Ugh seeing that scorecard above is depressing :(
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paul12907 vs faiz turned into a onesided affair after ireland won the toss and decided to bowl- from then on the irish seamers dominated with some wicked swing bowling and fantasticly fast yorkers bowling the bangledeshis out for 4.


mooney took a fantastic 5 wicket haul and trent backed him up with a strong 4-3


shows irelands casual runchase with porterfields majestic unbeaten 4 which included a fantastic cover drive... for 4.
Oh my God Thats Crazy..I'm gonna shudder when I play Ireland..

The update is posted in the first post. If anyone wants to start their second round group match, feel free to do so!
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How did you manage to bowl your opponent for 4!!! In fact even the 4 runs are extras! This is the first time I have seen such a scorecard.

Any tips or tricks u wanna share ;)
all i did was keep it on a good length swinging it to hit the top of offstump and varied my pace alot to keep the batsman guessing.

also when full confidence was up throwing in the odd bouncer disguised as a full length ball kept batsman confidence rli low as he kept getting nailed by it.

i was aided by quite a laggy game as well - not unplayable but just enough to make batting a bit harder
I've posted all this down here because it got too crowded in the first post..

SUPER SIXES schedule:
Will put up later.​


Point System:
3 points awarded to a team with a comprehensive victory.
2 points awarded to a team with a victory.
1 point awarded to a team with a draw.
0 points awarded to a team with a loss.
1 point deduced from a team with a comprehensive loss.​

****A comprehensive win/loss occurs if a team is beaten by more than 150 runs or eight wickets.****

- If there is ever a tie in the point system, an equation will be used.
(runs taken / wickets lost) - (runs allowed / wickets taken).

- Difficulty - Test, 20 over matches, and Realistic gameplay.

- Every match completed, both players will put up a scorecard, batting stats of each side, and bowling stats (using print screen button to capture a screenshot and saving it by pasting it on paint or any other way to capture a screen shot).

- We'll honor the team/player that wins the final, the batsman with the most runs of the tournament, best bowler of the tournament, and best all rounder.

- If one person doesn't show up to play the match within 15 minutes of the time the match was supposed to begin, it is forfeited to the player that did come. This doesn't apply if the player missing is having technical difficulties with his computer or if there is an emergency. Also, the matches should be finished by the due date. If they aren't, both teams will lose (or an extention will be given). If they aren't because of only one player, that player will lose.

- A broadband connection is required.

- PLAY FAIR! First offense at cheating will result in the loss of the match. Second offense will result in elimination! It is NOT tolerated.

All of these are regarded as CHEATING:
- Quitting in the middle of the match. This is NOT tolerated. If you lose your connection in the middle of the match, the person you're playing with decides your fate (rematch or you lose).
- Consistently throwing deliveries that are wide in real life but not in the game.
- Using the double bounce technique to get the batsman out LBW.
- Bowling too many yorkers (>3 per over). It's just unrealistic.
- Using ANY MAJOR glitch of the game in your favor. This does NOT include easy runs every time you hit it, byes, and overthrows.
- Spiking your ping - if the ping is good to begin with, the ping better stay good throughout the whole game. If it's bad, it better remain bad.
- The game does freeze and is full of bugs. If this happens, then its ok to restart the match.
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Guys, remember that the matches are now due in 5 days, rather than 7 (which was done because it was the first round of matches).
****** :( Just copied and pasted a url for a player in gamespy thinking I'd already pasted the screenshot of my game against mastbanda in photoshop but, alas, I haven't.

Can't say me and fs470/mastbanda (he is the latter on gamespy) were best of friends before this (he hasn't got the best of reputations generally) and unfortunately, after our game, I can't say that has changed.

--- Controversy ---
Firstly we were struck by the Out of Sync bug where one player sees something different while batting to what actually happens - mastbanda apparently hadn't come in contact with this before and quit with him 103-6 after 7.5, with him having only seen three wickets fall but some of those batsmen having already been dismissed already. I was a little miffed about this as I am sure you can appreciate.

After a reboot we tried again - after choosing to bat first last time he choose to bowl first this time. I immediately noticed Mohammed Sami had been edited into Pakistans line up. I generally refuse to play against edited teams anyway and with my dealings so far and mastbanda's general reputation I immediatly quit before a ball was bowled.

mastbanda suggested that I should upload my teamandplayerinfo.bag for him to download. I did, to my ftp, and he claimed to have downloaded and replaced it. ---

--- The Game ---
This time I won the toss and chose to bowl first and having been slogged around by Afridi the previous time, managed to remove him for a less destructive 18 via a run out off the last ball of the 1st over. Eventually bowled him out during the 14th over for 143 - he can time the ball very well but takes too many risks, the majority of shots being in the air and finds life difficult against the spinners. This time he played through despite one instance of the OOS bug.

In reply I got off to a flyer and it carried on from there, with Vincent out for 64 to a runout and then a second wicket falling from another example of the OOS bug - not sure who it was of Fulton and Fleming, nor am I sure of their scores at the end one was on 24*, the other on 36*. 144-2 after around 8.3 overs IIRC, so an eight wicket win to me :)

--- Controversy Continued ---
I hadn't noticed this time but mastbanda hadn't replaced his teamandplayerinfo.bag and Sami had been in his team again. I was wrapped up in the game this time so it didn't strike me. Anyway, mastbanda alleges that really I quit on the second attempt because I wanted to bowl first and he'd put me into bat on that second occasion. I swear on my life that isn't the case but, to be honest, considering he changed his choice after having quit the first game and then lied about replacing the option file I think my conscience wouldn't be too sodden anyway!

Doesn't look like we'll be playing each other anytime soon, but at to his credit he reported the game on myleague and he's not bowling spin bouncers anymore - he just really needs to be a bit more patient when both bowling and batting and drop the paranoia.
Both of you -

Please delete your posts. I'll deal with the matter via PM. No need to hurt each other's reputations.
Actually, I have had some complaints about mastbanda's games on the ladder as well.

This is something that needs to be addressed immediately, and I suspect he is using edited players.

And if mastbanda hasn't come in contact with the Out of Sync bug before, he is a liar. I've seen him tell his opponents in the GameSpy lobby that its a bug, and whatever junk he comes up with. And to further enhance my claim that he's lieing about this, is that I played him and this bug occured.

If he has edited his players to 99 ratings, as I suspect (Edited players cause the Out of Sync bug), then I ask that he be removed from the ladder, and from this tournament.

And playkid, why remove these posts? Surely people should know who they're playing against.

EarlCG is a great player, and an honest one.

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