What have you achieved today?

A couple of days ago we had this massive football match in our neighbourhood, with referee, floodlights and everything. We won 3-1. I scored a free kick. It was a very competitive match. One player from each team was sent off.
A couple of days ago we had this massive football match in our neighbourhood, with referee, floodlights and everything. We won 3-1. I scored a free kick. It was a very competitive match. One player from each team was sent off.
Great achievement bro, goo win too congrats.
Achieved the 6k mark!
Yesterday we had a "project day" at school. Our school is associated with UNESCO, and we also sponsor a village called Cowdalli in Karnataka, India. Every year we have this day where all the classes organise something through which money can be raised to donate it to the people of Cowdalli and to other charities. This year our class organised an international buffet, where you could buy food from all over the world. I made 75 Euros by selling samosas :D
That reminds me of a funny story. My school had a swimathon to raise money and each grade had a lane in which they had to have someone swimming in it for 12 hours. The top grade raised R10000 and all the other grades earned around 5k but no not our grade. We managed a staggering R700! Safe to say we got a talking to about commitment after that...
I don't know if it's an achievement, but I got drunk for the first time ever in my life during our class trip to Berlin. :D
I don't know if it's an achievement, but I got drunk for the first time ever in my life during our class trip to Berlin. :D
It's an achievement, one of the few things Islam prohibits.

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