Why do people vote for Donald Trump?

Angola is the first country that has outlawed Muslims.

It is now illegal to be a "Muslim" in Angola. :facepalm
It's pretty bad. In our countries, all religions are respected and even other relions celebrate a particular festival. How come a religion be outlawed? It's unfair for the poor Muslims, who can't migrate.

One more thing, we are being off-topic, let's be relevant on how badly Trump will lose.
One more thing, we are being off-topic, let's be relevant on how badly Trump will lose.
This seemed like a comparably better thread than others to share that news.

Can any of the staff members change the thread title to "General politics discussion thread", or something?

We can, and we should share political news from elsewhere, here.
I'd rather we stuck towards specific topics for threads; rather than have a big general mega-thread that gets unwieldy. That can certainly happen for current events where you could have four or five different discussions having at the same time and it just gets confusing. If there's anything that you think might get interesting discussion without being too controversial (there are issues where I'll just delete on sight; I'm talking about controversial things where no one will ever change their minds and that I can't be arsed moderating; you can probably guess the sort of thing that I'm talking about) then feel free to start a thread on it; but we'll look at them very closely and probably be a lot stricter with moderation than we would be with other threads. I'm into lots of politics and current affairs stuff, which I suppose helps since I'll probably end up reading the stuff and hopefully I'll be able to step in and nip things in the bud if they get heated. Please remember that these are things which people will hold, and there are some issues which are way, way too controversial and heated for a silly Cricket forum.

In terms of Trump you do have to remember that he is limited in his power in lots of areas, since in order to pass legislation he'll need Congress on his side and although the House will definately have a Republican majority and most likely the Senate will as well if he wins (at this point he probably won't, he's behind Clinton in every credible national poll and also in the states where he needs to win; plus I can't see how he wins when he's literally polling at 1% amongst Black Americans and 20% among Hispanic Americans) there are lots of Republicans that are very uncomfortable with his rhetoric on immigration and that'll limit what he can do. The "ban on Muslims" seems to have been replaced with an "ideological test" on all people entering America; whatever that means; while some kind of border fence probably will get funding from Congress (they actually already made funds available for it in the late 2000s); but it will not be the thing that Trump claims it will be, nor will Mexico pay for it. He also has issues with the rules of the Senate which gives 40 Senators the ability to block a measure coming up for a vote, but I'd imagine that might be something that they'd change if it was much of an issue. They'll get one if not two Supreme Court nominations; which would retain if not increase the Conservative majority on the thing, and since they are life appointments that'd last for longer than Trump will be President.

What I think is quite funny is that we're basically seeing the total alienation of Muslim Americans and Hispanics from the Republican party; both groups which once upon a time were at least competitive (Muslim-Americans were a Republican leaning group up until Bush's first election; exit polls in 2004 showed Hispanics also within ten points) and the latter especially makes it harder for the Republicans to win nationally in the future, since the only major group that the Republicans win are white people and they are becoming less of a majority in the country; especially in the important swing states. That was the lesson that they'd allegedly learned after Romney lost and during the Primaries you had some Republican candidates trying to stand on more liberal immigration positions; but then Trump wins with whatever his policy was: at the moment its changing daily.
With recent development and latest poll, Donald Trump has almost lost this and prediction say that Hillary is on her edge to be the next President of US.
With recent development and latest poll, Donald Trump has almost lost this and prediction say that Hillary is on her edge to be the next President of US.
The polls in 2012 had Romney ahead of Obama. Anything can happen tonight.
I think Hillary will win due to Trump has to win 3 battleground states and all of those are leaning towards Hillary
Trump is the voice for the anti-PC, anti-establishment conservatives known as the alt-right who are white working class people in a country that's becoming more and more brown every year.

2 great videos worth checking out for more context.
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If Trump doesn't win Florida and Ohio, only a miracle can make him a president. Current situation strongly against Trump in both Ohio and Florida.
If Trump doesn't win Florida and Ohio, only a miracle can make him a president. Current situation strongly against Trump in both Ohio and Florida.
Do not know what are you reading by Trump is winning Florida so far. Also Trump is leading 140 to 104. Needs 130 to win and Hillary needs 166


29 electoral votes
Do not know what are you reading by Trump is winning Florida so far. Also Trump is leading 140 to 104. Needs 130 to win and Hillary needs 166

View attachment 175324
View attachment 175325

29 electoral votes
West coast hasn't closed the polls yet so expect Clinton to take the lead. Trump has a bigger chance than projected.
Trump just won Ohio too. He's got a realistic shot.

The day has turned out to be really very interesting with Trump leading in most of the states. It will be interesting to see where the Michigan or Florida turn. Those two make much difference in terms of no. of votes to be achieved to win those states.

Trump is leading the counting and hope he'll clear the mark easily. Clinton:'s main states for getting votes have turned over to Trump.

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