Challange One; Design a beer bottle


Chairman of Selectors
Dec 10, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
So for a little challange, why not introduce yourself to a beer bottle (or re-introduce ;))

All you need to do is design the label which goes round a beer bottle, logo - warning info etc.

Make it interesting and fun.

Today is the 28th July, so we shall have the judging on the 4th August :D

Hope people take part as i reckon it'll be fun and challanging!!

One more thing, the beer HAS to be made up, so name, logo etc. all has to be made up ;) Good luck!
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So for a little challange, why not introduce yourself to a beer bottle (or re-introduce ;))

All you need to do is design the label which goes round a beer bottle, logo - warning info etc.

Make it interesting and fun.

Today is the 28th July, so we shall have the judging on the 4th August :D

Hope people take part as i reckon it'll be fun and challanging!!

One more thing, the beer HAS to be made up, so name, logo etc. all has to be made up ;) Good luck!

Stu there isn't any real need for that post. You may not want to take part but it's just something Simbazz came up with and thought it would be good to see what people come up with. You may not like the idea or want to take part but there's no need to just post that...
Sorry Culli, i dont understand what your trying to say.

As an example -

Stu there isn't any real need for that post. You may not want to take part but it's just something Simbazz came up with and thought it would be good to see what people come up with. You may not like the idea or want to take part but there's no need to just post that...

Sorry Culli, i dont understand what your trying to say.

As an example -


Oh right! I thought we just had to choose a real beer and give it a cricketing twist. I didn't see the bottom of Simon's post.
It doesnt have to have a cricketing twist.

It can be a beer without a twist, list Fosters etc. I just decided to give mine a cricketing twist.
I thought I'd Stick with the cricketing theme

Lol, thats a classic Kev, thanks for joining ;) I hope you take the next challange next week ;) Gotta think of it yet though :p
i thought i could model the Beer,we could put up the Sticker on it in 3 dimensional manner.:laugh
2 days left, so far Kev's won this :p

Got the idea for the next one :)

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