Cpu only hits 4s in tests!

the overrated Bopara 96 from 60 balsl 7 6s and 10 4s LOL!

Im on normal mode btw

2 wickets I got caught in the outfield 20 20 style

You must suck then. The AI is very easy to contain on normal. Were you any good at other cricket games?
try to bowl a bit fuller than what you think is a good length. It also helps to move the cursor closer or further from the batsman immediately prior to releasing the delivery. When you do move the cursor, also change the delivery type.

would that make a different to the A1 CPU? I thought that would only make a different playing against another player

adthomp added 0 Minutes and 47 Seconds later...

You must suck then. The AI is very easy to contain on normal. Were you any good at other cricket games?

yeah EA cricket game was to easy could alwyas bowl them out under 100 this is just insane
would that make a different to the A1 CPU? I thought that would only make a different playing against another player

it confuses them and I get a lot of bowled and LBWs with it. I start the delivery as a straight ball outside off, right before release I make it an inswinger and move the cursor to off stump. I have bowled countless AI batsman this way.
ok I should try some of that next time.. I think with my bowerles confidence right down and batsman right up thats not helping right now I probaly need to start it again
This is pathetic all the CPU does is hit a 4 defend and when it gets a ball through the gap wont even bother to run!!! so all the scoring shots are from 4s anyone else have this?? ughh

I don't agree...but maybe it just a coincidence. CPU always seems to hit 4s, run signles, run themselves out :facepalm, and occasionally hit 6's when I can't find the line or the length
my point is the CPU don't even take singles or 2s// there are times where the ball has dropped right next to the ropes and they could have ran 3 and haven't even bothered to run! its like all they do is defend or hit a 4

Bloody hell: they went for loads of singles/twos/threes in the demo! (PC version).
This is pathetic all the CPU does is hit a 4 defend and when it gets a ball through the gap wont even bother to run!!! so all the scoring shots are from 4s anyone else have this?? ughh

That's not what people in the 'retail impressions' thread are saying: what level are you playing on?
Whilst it is not strictly true, they do take some singles off mis hit shots, 90% on their runs are for fours and sixes.
Then maybe Transmission guys are fans of T20 cricket.
The problem with what i said above is this.

You fool the cpu, and keep scoring shots down by

1. Pitching the ball on a good length.
2. Hitting the meter on the perfect execution spot

However, once you get used to hitting the lengths, and hitting the execution spot the cpu gets wise and starts to score runs.

Now, you either keep doing what your doing or you take a risk and deliberately bowl badly. If you do the later then you will either create a chance, ie cpu will mistime a shot or because you have bowled a bad delivery that will capitalize on it and score.

Its a vicious circle of rinse repeat. It becomes tedious, although i think the idea is good. It just does not execute well, so what you see is the computer scoring runs off balls they have no right to, and you end up taking a wicket because the cpu goes into slog mode.

This is not always the case of course, but i think this is the main problem with ai pacing in tests.

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