Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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There is minor bug in report generation in PPCL mode. "Match result and MOM" are shown at top when rendered by website.
Can they be placed below scorecard ?
Yes good point mentioned.[DOUBLEPOST=1410416319][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hehe, if only I could :P

I've uploaded the patch now - the UI is still very much a work in progress, but everything else should hopefully work...

Thanks. Hope it works. Will check later today.
With reqards to the AI - should it bowl and bat more conservatively? So the target run rate would be something like 2-2.5 and the bowlers would bowl at around 85-90% to conserve energy?
Certainly the batsmen would bat slower, not sure about the bowlers, they might go full out in hope of knocking them out cheaply and sit back for the next week ;)
Can we have talents? Like in PCCS, you have economical, slogger etc... would add another dimension to the game
@DM: Hmm, could do - so these attributes would influence the player's attributes?

slogger -> increased strength, increased timing, lowered batting skill
economical -> decreased speed, increased concentration

Does CC have something like this? It would be nice to import default attributes...
No CC doesn't have that sort of thing. The talents wouldn't show as a raw skill but would modify the skills in a match. So for example Kane Richardson would have a death bowler tag, so in the last 5-10% of a limited overs match his bowling skills increase, a finisher tag would worker similarly. Someone who's economical perhaps would just make it harder for the batsmen to time properly as generally speaking they concede less runs but take less wickets
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I really like that idea. It would definitely give the players more character. There's only so much that set attributes can convey.

If you have some time would you mind drawing up a list of characteristics you'd like to see? Otherwise, I can make it scriptable and you can change it on the fly in the roster editor. I guess I just need a list of things that should be tweakable.
@kurtkz I have checked by simulating T20 matches and it works fine. Will check Test matches later today and will tell you about any crash if happens.
Yeah, the dead overs aggression should be fixed. I tested with international teams but I'll test with your league teams this weekend.

Actually, do me a favour and check the Pitch Variation setting. Try setting it lower, because I previously had it on high. That might be causing the slow scoring.
Kurtkz , can you please look into Cumulative statistics.
For batting , some batsman are shown to play extra match with Zero score, thus affecting the Average of the player.
For example - I cleared the stats and then i made a team play 6 matches. But 1-2 batsman are shown to have played 7 matches.
Its slightly more messed up with regards to bowling. Most of the bowling stats are not calculating a random match. The biggest issue comes when exporting bowling stats where BBI is replaced by a date.
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