Problem: Dancing down the wicket - bowled and other online bugs!


Club Captain
Oct 20, 2010
Online Cricket Games Owned
  1. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - PS3
  2. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Steam PC

Has anyone experienced this bug playing online on PC where no matter how well you time your dancing down the wicket, the ball hits your bat or you and rolls onto the stumps with "bad luck, mate!" trophy awarded?

I tried posting it on Steam but no response. The replay of these kinds of outs clearly show the ball first being hit in the air and suddenly boomrangs it back onto the stumps in a glitchy way.

The following are a few more bugs I have started to notice playing online:

1) Spin deliveries called over the shoulder bouncers when they are clearly not.

2) Not giving clean bowled decisions when the stumps are off.

3) The direct hits have reduced but still way too many to be realistic.

4) Players shown with sessions in the lobby but unable to join most sessions, likely because the screen isn't getting refreshed.

5) Overall lag at times, but that can be attributed to both players' internet connections.

6) Players catching or fielding the ball by covering the ground unrealistically fast, leaving almost no chance for a well hit aerial shot that will not be caught. This is a serious bug in my opinion.

Update: 7) Spinners still cannot bowl a no-ball?

8) More a lack of feature than a bug but I have never been able to run a computer / console out. The running is way too smart.

Offline is working pretty well actually. I wish I had more time to play this game!
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Yes to all happened often to me,and your right the supermen fielder's are still bugged,lol,I thought patch 2 fixed the supermen fielder's,I've lost easy wicket's due to supermen,lol.

Has anyone experienced this bug playing online on PC where no matter how well you time your dancing down the wicket, the ball hits your bat or you and rolls onto the stumps with "bad luck, mate!" trophy awarded?

I tried posting it on Steam but no response. The replay of these kinds of outs clearly show the ball first being hit in the air and suddenly boomrangs it back onto the stumps in a glitchy way.

This is in addition to a few more bugs I have started to notice playing online.

1) Spin deliveries called over the shoulder bouncers when they are clearly not.

2) Not giving clean bowled decisions when the stumps are off.

3) The direct hits have reduced but still way too many to be realistic.

4) Players shown with sessions in the lobby but unable to join most sessions, likely because the screen isn't getting refreshed.

5) Overall lag at times, but that can be attributed to both players' internet connections.

6) Players catching or fielding the ball by covering the ground unrealistically fast, leaving almost no chance for a well hit aerial shot that will not be caught. This is a serious bug in my opinion.

Offline is working pretty well actually. I wish I had more time to play this game!
this all happents to me also,when playing online
Has anyone experienced this bug playing online on PC where no matter how well you time your dancing down the wicket, the ball hits your bat or you and rolls onto the stumps with "bad luck, mate!" trophy awarded?

just yesterday i carted quite a few sixes online by dancing down the wicket to malinga and steyn, you need to be point on timing.
But the supermen fielder's still exist even when you think the ball hit for a four,lol.
just yesterday i carted quite a few sixes online by dancing down the wicket to malinga and steyn, you need to be point on timing.

The issue here is not necessarily being clean bowled as I agree with the fact that one needs to be very accurate dancing down the wicket and it was working fine until a few days ago. The issue is that the ball is shown being hit properly and then it magically returns to the stumps. This is either a bug or a delayed clean bowled code kick-in overriding the shot being displayed. It's goofy for sure.

With Regards to your Points raised :

1. It sometimes happens , that when a Batsmen tries to hit Squareleg Aggresive shot against the Spinner , the system assumes that it must have been a bouncer he was trying to hit , and gives the "one for the over signal"

2. This happens every now and then , and when the connection is a bit flaky , like my last game yesterday evening , it happened (3) times in 1 Pro20 .

3. I am fine with the Direct hits , as they are needed in T20`s . Otherwise the animation that first have to catch the ball , then seemingly gets bumped back by the "force" of the ball , and only then he will try and flick off the bails if he is still in reach of the Stumps . This very rarely gets the runout , so in my opinion the direct hits are just fine.

4. The Online Custom Games screen is a well known Buggy affair with a few issues . Not Auto - Refreshing is only one of the issues with this screen. Get used to hitting that Triangle every few seconds buddy .

5. Lag is much better than Pre-Patch2 , but still needs some adjustments.

6. The Fielders will still cover Huge distances (when they want to or when a catch needs to be taken) , but can then also decide to walk to the ball when they dont care about you running 3 of a 1 run ball . For me , The issue is related to the lag as well , as I have a huge problem with the Inner Circle Fielders that will almost Warp to the ball to field it when the connection is flaky , resulting in run outs , as you thought it was past him. But when the connection is good , they will Dive/Run or do whatever looks "normal" and you will see it in "Live" view , resulting in much less poorly judged Runouts.

@BigAntStudios , can you maybe give a quick reply if all/some of the above issues are being looked at/adjusted in Patch 3 ?

With Regards to your Points raised :

1. It sometimes happens , that when a Batsmen tries to hit Squareleg Aggresive shot against the Spinner , the system assumes that it must have been a bouncer he was trying to hit , and gives the "one for the over signal"

2. This happens every now and then , and when the connection is a bit flaky , like my last game yesterday evening , it happened (3) times in 1 Pro20 .

3. I am fine with the Direct hits , as they are needed in T20`s . Otherwise the animation that first have to catch the ball , then seemingly gets bumped back by the "force" of the ball , and only then he will try and flick off the bails if he is still in reach of the Stumps . This very rarely gets the runout , so in my opinion the direct hits are just fine.

4. The Online Custom Games screen is a well known Buggy affair with a few issues . Not Auto - Refreshing is only one of the issues with this screen. Get used to hitting that Triangle every few seconds buddy .

5. Lag is much better than Pre-Patch2 , but still needs some adjustments.

6. The Fielders will still cover Huge distances (when they want to or when a catch needs to be taken) , but can then also decide to walk to the ball when they dont care about you running 3 of a 1 run ball . For me , The issue is related to the lag as well , as I have a huge problem with the Inner Circle Fielders that will almost Warp to the ball to field it when the connection is flaky , resulting in run outs , as you thought it was past him. But when the connection is good , they will Dive/Run or do whatever looks "normal" and you will see it in "Live" view , resulting in much less poorly judged Runouts.

@BigAntStudios , can you maybe give a quick reply if all/some of the above issues are being looked at/adjusted in Patch 3 ?

Thank you. Did you also notice the dancing down the wicket issue I started the thread with?
Bowled being not given out bug is there in ps3 too and I get it more often.
I could never time the ball by dancing down the wicket , so I just stopped doing it.

I am not feeling humble after a long day at work - I was a master at dancing down the wicket until this bug blew my cover :P
I face one issue
When fielder throws ball at non striker end by pressing B (Xbox controller).. it goes to striker end & that too slowly which gives the batsmen to take extra runs..

Any solution for this?
Instead of pressing the button just hold it for a second or two.

THanks for reply
Have tried that as well
But the problem with opponent wait for me whether I am throwing at striker or non striker
If striker then he take another run
bcoz ball takes time to reach striker end compare to non striker

(This happens with me when I play online )

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