Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

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So what does that say about Microsoft and Sony given they thoroughly tested the patch before release?

I'd advise you to go and produce your own game since you seem to have all of the knowledge to do so. :wave

In saying that though, I wouldn't support such a twit through purchasing his, likely, substandard product.

Sony/MS have no clue how buggy the original game is. The patch might not have problem in it but the game itself does, Mr. Smarty Pants.

How do I "produce" my own game? I can "program" a game but I don't know how to "produce" a game.

Get your 4th grade homework done first kid! Then advise me on "producing" my own game. :lol

Just to make things easier to identify for us, I'd like to recommend people use a template in posting their issues or anomalies.

Match Type:
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured):
Get Best:
Description of Issue:

This will help us quickly attempt to identify anything you deem to be needing a look at and potentially fix if it's deemed to be an issue, bug, anomaly or otherwise.

Any more information that you can add only helps us find it quicker.
yes; if you insist on keeping this very dumb discussion going; there probably is another thread that it can go in rather than the one dedicated to bug reports that the developer probably would like relatively clear.

Mode: career
Match Type: any
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured):any
Get Best:any
Description of Issue: when I bowl and there is an edge the keeper catches and I appeal. It's given out. Then the players come to celebrate and it's stuck there forever. Tried save and exit but it ques.
Mode: career
Match Type: any
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured):any
Get Best:any
Description of Issue: when I bowl and there is an edge the keeper catches and I appeal. It's given out. Then the players come to celebrate and it's stuck there forever. Tried save and exit but it ques.

This is something really random that appeared in patch 2. It'll get fixed whenever the third patch is released: but the stopgap measure currently is to wait a few seconds before appealing: it only seems to activate if you appeal right away. Its annoying, but at least it doesn't completely break the game.
Is someone still complaining about patch#2 that according to them wasn't submitted yet?


Credibility < Zero
Am I right in assuming it's an Xbox only error? Because I haven't been getting it on PS3 ...then again, I'm mostly playing on PC so it's possible I haven't spent enough time back on the ol' console.
It appears to be Xbox only, which means it's not game code but generally OS code that we are calling but is not behaving as we would expect.
Mode: Career Mode
Match Type: P40 match
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 31.3
Ground: N/A
Teams: N/A
Get Best: N/A

Description of Issue: The game drops to about 5 frames per second when the ball is hit down the ground and the batsman starts to take run. This did not happen before patch 2 therefore the patch has produced this new errors :facepalm

Another issue I noticed is that the fielder at long on simply watches the ball roll past him for a boundary. He did not move an inch when the ball was about a foot away from him. Again, this is the first time it has happened. Most likely patch 2 produced this as well.
Go home kid. This thread is only for constructive feedbacks. I have provided mine and if you don't have any feedback then go play "cricket like never before". Let me know how many edges carry through to the keeper at 110 kph.

*shrugs* I'm no kid, bro. I have grandchildren.

Perhaps if you were a better person, you'd have more money and the $60 you spent on this wouldn't bother you.

Be clear, I've posted many bugs and many criticisms of the game. Because I'm not a drongo, I get sensible responses from the devs about it.
Pretty sure they're all over that error, it's a common occurance in online as well.

Ah, that is good to know. I assume it'll be either a hotfix or in patch #3 then. Regardless it does not deteriorate my gaming experience!

The only other 'error' I'm seeing with patch #2 then is that my bowling all arounders FC batting average is currently 41.75 :lol
Nah, his posts are all N/A. Oxygen thief.
Lol I think you wasted more time by creating this crap that is full of bugs. Oops...I forgot that you have ignored me because you can't hear anymore criticism about this crappy game. Haven't you heard of hiring real programmers? They could have coded this crap better than you or at least, without bugs. Better yet, go to Learn to code | Codecademy as they have tutorials where you can learn from. Good luck!

So are we getting patch 3 to fix these previous lame patches?

hello mate....i really feel lots of hard work is gone to this game so i really feel bad some one calling names to BA team who has created realistic game...its fine you criticize but please dont disrespect some ones hard work... its really request from my end..people have spends their days and nigh to bring out this...They need our encouragement..we can all try to help team to get this product better....but lets keep hatred out..I am sure there are times we all make mistakes but lets not crucify team as they are trying to patch whatever is possible
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