Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Which is your favourite book in the series?

  • The Philosopher's Stone

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  • The Chamber of Secrets

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andrew_nixon said:
If you keep trying to guess what happens, you're not going to enjoy it as much.

i do read the books and i do enjoy them but that is always my point.

Imagine its 2 days before xmas and you start bugging your mum, dad, loved one, wife, husband ;) whoever, as to what they got you and you kept on guessing , eventually you mght guess right and so when you actually get the pressie, its not a surprise!

I keep saying that when people are jusding BLIC and CRIcket 2005 already

Anyway, i still cant wait for the 6th one and im sure it'll be awesome!

PS barmy where do you get these counters from?!
fardin said:
People like harry potters book alot.Dont they.It is fake and it is also waste of time.Why would spend 5/6 hours reading a book that has nothing to do with reality.
Who cares anyways who dies in the book it is fake so no worries and stop saying snape or dumbeldore is going to die no one cares.

Very eloquently put fardin, I am sure that had they been alive, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy would've stopped writing fiction due to the sheer weight of your argument. [/sarcasm]
i really think with the amount of time J.K. Rowling has she could make the last book triple as long as the other bookd have been.I really get into my book!can't wait till it comes out.
Just found a cool site : http://sugarquill.net

It has awesome fan fics,and some of them imo are even better than the books themselves!

I'm serious.I just finished reading the story "After The End" and it took me over a month to finish! :eek:

And it'll keep me busy until the real 6th book comes out :p
I too think that the films are very short and they miss out some of the reader's favourite parts of the books!

The Half-Blood Prince goes on sale just over a month from now. I got OOTP on its release but might ask for the new one for my birthday. :)

I hope Dumbledore doesn't die in book 6. He's one of my favourite characters and it would be sad reading. :(

I while ago I read somewhere that in book 7 Harry defeats Voldemort somehow and ends up leaving Hogwarts to become Minister for Magic. Sounds like a happy ending!
I've already pre-ordered the book..can't wait for July 16th :)

While Dumbledore is one of my favourite characters,it would be better if he dies,that would make Book 7 alot darker.

Sirius was my favourite character....I still have hopes that he's alive :(

Rowling said we'll see a new Minister..but it wont be Arthur Weasely.....

I'm really curious for more info on the Department of Mysteries...that part intrigues me...I feel Voldemort's downfall will be through a weapon from there.
indiancricketer said:
i like the 3rd book of harry potter really intersting the rest just suck
I didn't like The Philosopher's Stone because Harry was young and it was a new thing.

I liked TCOS because of it's darker side and Harry getting the better of everyone. The Dursleys and the Malfoys.

I really liked TPOA because of the addition of new characters and how the literaure was used amazingly. How J.K Rowling once suffered from Writer's Block I'll never know! :p

The GOF was a longer read, which I enjoyed a lot. A character dying proves that this is not just a teenager's book.

TOOTP I started to like, but I never got round to finishing it. I don't think I'll bother now.

Looking forward to 25th August for the new book!
SkateBoarder2 said:
I didn't like The Philosopher's Stone because Harry was young and it was a new thing.

I liked TCOS because of it's darker side and Harry getting the better of everyone. The Dursleys and the Malfoys.

I really liked TPOA because of the addition of new characters and how the literaure was used amazingly. How J.K Rowling once suffered from Writer's Block I'll never know! :p

The GOF was a longer read, which I enjoyed a lot. A character dying proves that this is not just a teenager's book.

TOOTP I started to like, but I never got round to finishing it. I don't think I'll bother now.

Looking forward to 25th August for the new book!
You didn't finish book 5? :eek:
You better finish it before the new one comes, Dumbeldore reveals the whole story about the prediction and Harry and Voldemort, etc. Very interesting and important.
None of the books suck. I have read them as I grew-i.e. I was about 8 when I read the first one(can't remember), and have read each book, and in them harry has grown, and so has the literature, so I felt they were all great books as I read them. If I were to read part on again right now most likely I wouldn't find it that great, and maybe a bit short, but that dosen't stop them from being great books.
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Skateboarder2 said:
TOOTP I started to like, but I never got round to finishing it. I don't think I'll bother now.

You haven't finished Book 5!!! :eek:

OMG,did you atleast read the fight with the death eaters where Sirius dies?

And you've missed arguably the most important part in the series,where Dumbledore explains everything to Harry.

I seriously suggest you read the rest of the book if you are to get a good understanding of HBP.

Zoraxdoom said:
as I red them

I've finally spotted a spelling mistake of yours!!! :D

Where's Andrew :D

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