i now hate this game A REAL REVIEW

jdbais said:
Does the fact that you hate the game make it a real review.

i didnt hate it when i bought it...

i was open minded
This game has 2 sides to it.

Play against the CPU and it sucks bigtime.

Play against another player and its a very good game coz u dont get the AI problems and people tend to make there own mistakes which creates excitment in a game,i pld my cousin and with AUS he got 231 all out in 46.2 overs ,me as ENG got 198 all out in 45.5 overs it was really an exciting game to play,but when i play computer it really is crap coz like peeps say they dont run for easy singles they dont even try to chase a score.

Jusy goes to show AI really does need a lot of work. : :rolleyes:
indiancricketer said:
i m actually thinkin of trying out BLIC 2005 seems like a good game to me....both ea and BLIC are really good games

yep u def should try it out...its worth it. i havent got ea cricket 2005 but when i get bored of BLIC i'll look into it. as of right not BLIC is keeping me well entertained.
KyleP said:
It is so boring, predictable and very very very annoying!

if anyone is thinking about purchasing , DONT

its porbably the worst cricket game i have ever played

when i first bought it i really enjoyed the first few matches but very quickly caught on its such a badly made game!

here are several downfalls which make this game unplayable

1. AI Batting , its probably the worst ai in a sports game for a long long time
in a fast paced 10-50 over game they never run when theres easily 1 or 2 quick runs to be had, Also they hit it in the same spot depending on the field layout you have!. If you have a gap on the offside, they will attempt to hit the ball down there all the time.., If there is no gaps it will attempt to ball behind him all the time!, even if u have a third man and fine leg fielder ,
It has no brains!, it will hit it there ...and theres an obvious 1 run to be had , it wont run it..
(Ive done several tests with it , on different teams and on average every 10 overs they get 1 runs)
So now you have the worst part of the game the batting!
With its repetitive batting play which will surely drive you crazy after several overs!

I love games which are as much reallife to the sport, which brings me on to number 2

2.The commentry is appauling if its not one commentator saying the same line after all 6 balls on the over , its one commentator rambling on throught the whole over without even updateing the game!
Yes its true!, even if you score 6's, LBW Calls or other major effects in the game , there is one guy rambling on how fit you have to be in 'todays cricket' or how important it is to have '2 good opening batsmen' Its annoyed me so much today i shouted 'shut the f**k up' at the screen, thats how crazy im getting playing the game!

3. A nice sunday afteroon relaxing game of cricket was one major plus for me when playing slow paced cricket games such as cricket 2002 and brian lara for playstation,..A like a slow informative over when the crowed react to the important things in a game!
OH NO not with blic2005 ! , this game is so fast paced u can play an over in under 30 seconds, i can see that may be a plus to some people , but its totaly annoying when you can continiously hear the crowed SHOUTING AND SCREEMING through the whole 'f**ck**g game!

4. Batting , id say batting is as bad as the rest of the game, i was quite shocked when i first saw the batting as the play does not react in anyway untill he strikes the ball , when he does it isnt a smoothly operated slowly progressive shot down the legside!. No! its an intant blur of what seems to be the same shot being played all the time!. also when in real life cricket that the last 3 batmens cant even get the ball to touch there bat?..Well in blic05 it seems to be!...

5. Overall this game is very disapointing , it seems the effort has gone in but in all the wrong places , i meen the types of bowling and is very nice and refreshing to have in a long game , but all the important factors to have in a long played game is not there.

Im seriously thinking about selling this game tommorow
uv not played the game on anything but village have you, if you look at sum of the threads with views with sum base for there claim u would realise sumreal cricketers have sum views on the realism of the game and they actually know
St0ney said:
This game has 2 sides to it.

Play against the CPU and it sucks bigtime.

Play against another player and its a very good game coz u dont get the AI problems and people tend to make there own mistakes which creates excitment in a game,i pld my cousin and with AUS he got 231 all out in 46.2 overs ,me as ENG got 198 all out in 45.5 overs it was really an exciting game to play,but when i play computer it really is crap coz like peeps say they dont run for easy singles they dont even try to chase a score.

Jusy goes to show AI really does need a lot of work. : :rolleyes:

That is why a lot of people were disappointed when Codemasters said there would be no multiplayer. That is one of the biggest issues in cricket games at the moment. EA and Codemasters just can't quite get the AI right. It would solve the problem if you can play online. Both EA and Codemasters should be aiming to include this feature in future versions which will make both games a lot better.
been playing this game non-stop for two days now and the only thing i dont like is the fact that the AI doesnt take singles ... thats about it

apart from that .. i really dont think theres anything unrealistic about this game ... i have had four 10 over matches with my mate .. and trust me friends ... it was the most fun ive ever had playing any cricket game against anyone (won 3 of em haha).. this is the best multiplayer cricket game ever made with a shadow of a doubt ... if only the AI could be adjusted for the next version .. this would be a complete cricket game .... i was so excited to have bowled 50 overs in 1 hour 15 mins ... conceding 271/4... playing against the cpu i.e. ... india ... i would recommend people get this as soon as possible .. it is MUCH MUCH better than cricket 2005 which doesnt even look realistic .. let alone how it plays ... (you can actually read my thread to find out how cricket 2005 plays) .... anyone whos played cricket regularly in real life would know that brian lara is THE game ... and once the AI thing is sorted out for pc with a patch .. and for ps2 in the next version .. it will be the complete game.

by saying that cricket 2005 doesnt look realistic .. i didnt mean to say that it has bad graphics ... but the batting and bowling animations is what i was talking about :)... frankly i dont give a **** about graphics as long as the game plays well
I think BLIC2005 is better game overall than cricket 2005 but there some other small details that really bug me!!!

1. The Wicket Keeper is not warering a hat, and really most do!!
2. The comentators don'r say the players alot, only like 5% of the time
3. Fake name and faces in exhibition mode
4. Horrible Kits in exhibition mode
5. NO MAN OF THE MATCH!!!! (which should be in ever cricket game no matter what)
6. Tricked us with 52 stdiams, only 16
7. Not enough stats!!!, can't even check Req. Run Rate and Current run rate when you want
8. No Hat Trick celebrations
9. Not enough cut scenes
10. Ball is bowled so slow, like slow motion
11. The players are whearing the sweater even in India or Sri Lanka where it's realy hot.
12. Boundry Replay horible
13. No Replay option
14. No Auto Play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok saying that here some things I love about the game.

1. Hawkeye
2. The Coin toss
3. Bowling is amazing and so much fun.
4. Bats,helmets, and arm gards
5. Sound coming of the bat
6. ICC Worl Cup and ICC Throphy - Final Presentation
7. Faster Game, could finish a 50 over game in about hour
8. love the fact the tale enders play horrible shots like real life
9. Save game during the match on xbox.
10. I think have better face than Cricket 2005
11. Bowling actions

So overall I like BLIC2005 than CRICKET 2005 as I have both on XBOX and I have been playing BL for the last 2 days nonstop 50 over games in a World Cup with Sri Lanka.

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