Modern Warfare 2

What sort of Sky TV can you get - which channels?

Also, does 'Part Chat' mean you only need to hear the people in your party speaking, rather than every idiot (and the world is full of 'em) who's playing at any given moment? Seriously, I've heard arguments break out online between complete strangers - the sort of thing that would've resulted in a fight if they were face to face!!

12 months sub to Xbox Live Gold is only around ?32 online in some places, such as Zavvi, so I reckon we'll get 'em from there. Thanks for the heads up about Sky and so on. :)

You can easily mute people on PS3.


I've never had issues with PSN and playing on-line (barring this time with MW2, though that's IW's fault, in fact, AC09 was very similar), the possibilities are there for on-line to be made better on PSN, but I know there have been some objections from some companies (er, basically unwilling to work together iirc) even though Sony want to do it, I think it's been mooted as a possibility for future firmware updates.

Meh, I can play on-line for nothing (barring broadband costs obviously), and don't have to spend anything to not have Cat5 cable trapsing around my house.
1 month.

You don't recieve the physical card for Xbox Live, yet when you first connect to Xbox Live you automatically enable your months trial of XBL I presume.


Hmm...that's odd. Silver has been signed up to, but it still doesn't want to play ball with online gaming.

Edit: I just read IGN's review and I have to agree with this part:

SpecOps mode is going to surprise a lot of gamers. It's addictive and surprisingly entertaining. It's longer, overall, than single-player mode, is a huge upgrade from the previously unlockable Arcade Mode in the first Modern Warfare, and some of the missions will have players going back over and over again well after all 69 stars are earned. The co-op only AC-130 mission, for example, is one of the biggest highlights of the entire Modern Warfare 2 package. One player mans the gunship while the other sneaks behind enemy lines on foot. The need for co-op play here is tremendous. In a similar mission, one player will man a chopper mini-gun and actually control the bird's fly speed as it circles a stranded soldier (player two) in a suburban warzone. Not only will you need to work in tandem to move from point to point, but the mission ends with an amazingly cinematic finale as the chopper pilot destroys countless buildings, lays down waves of covering fire for his friend, and then actually swoops in to pick him up on a rooftop. You may have thought you were buying Modern Warfare 2 simply for the competitive multiplayer or single-player campaign alone, but mark my words; you will be pulled in by Spec Ops, and when it's all said and done you'll be begging for more.

I love Spec Ops co-op - it might be worth getting on PC just for that. :)

Edit: Just saw this review though, here's a quote:

The Good

* Strong, disturbing single-player game
* Looks, plays great on the PC
* Killstreaks in multiplayer are a great addition
* Online play is still addictive
* Good selection of maps and game modes
* Special Ops missions extend the life of the game, great with a friend online

The Bad

* Single-player is over quickly
* The actual story is a little bit on the paranoid, gun-porn side of things
* Console-style online play on the PC
* $60 for a PC release? No thanks, guys
* Both the company and retailers barely seems to care about the PC version

The Ugly

* Huge design problems with the multiplayer version
* The game is already in the expected places. PC gamers will feel spurned and pirate, and Activision will claim they don't support the PC better because of piracy

Verdict: Skip
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I'm really thinking of getting this for the PC. What is wrong with the pc version exactly?
So, does anybody have any places, websites etc. where I can get this game cheap in Australia on PS3?
I'm really thinking of getting this for the PC. What is wrong with the pc version exactly?

Basically, its a straight port from the consoles. You know when you go online on every other CoD, you get a server browser, where you can choose favourites, filter mods, choose player limits etc.?

Well thats gone. It's been replaced by a simple system of matchmaking. You don't choose the map, and it's limited players on most maps to 6v6. No dedicated servers means that the host of the game is the player with the best connection - if they leave, it switches to the player with the next best. This results in horrible bouts of lag and general annoyance.

In a nutshell, they've ripped out everything that made it worth buying on PC, then cranked up the price by ?10.

The three main problems are:

- No mods
- No dev console, so no change of FOV, hence horrible stretches on a lot of moniters
- No dedicated servers, so lag a plenty, restricted players, unable to favourite certain servers, the end of clans

So basically, you're playing a SP which is admittedly good, yet short, and then battling with a MP system which is both broken and flawed.

Avoid, or get on the consoles, basically.
Basically, its a straight port from the consoles. You know when you go online on every other CoD, you get a server browser, where you can choose favourites, filter mods, choose player limits etc.?

Well thats gone. It's been replaced by a simple system of matchmaking. You don't choose the map, and it's limited players on most maps to 6v6. No dedicated servers means that the host of the game is the player with the best connection - if they leave, it switches to the player with the next best. This results in horrible bouts of lag and general annoyance.

In a nutshell, they've ripped out everything that made it worth buying on PC, then cranked up the price by ?10.

The three main problems are:

- No mods
- No dev console, so no change of FOV, hence horrible stretches on a lot of moniters
- No dedicated servers, so lag a plenty, restricted players, unable to favourite certain servers, the end of clans

So basically, you're playing a SP which is admittedly good, yet short, and then battling with a MP system which is both broken and flawed.

Avoid, or get on the consoles, basically.

Don't you think there's a chance of a patch to at least sort out the server nonsense? Then again, it appears that IW don't care about the PC anymore, just like EA and just like EA they should feel ashamed as they wouldn't be where they are now were it not for the PC customers. ::noway

R.I.P. Call of Duty on PC, by the sounds of it, along with Fifa. Sure, the SP sounds super (albeit way, way too short) and I love the sound of Spec Ops, but is it really worth the money? Maybe in a year or so when it's come down a bit - but then the servers will probably be as dead as the grave...

Thanks, IW. PC gamers, along with the console-ites, have been looking forwards to this game for a long time, and this is what you give us. Thanks for nothing.
Is this game worth ?? i have heard Warfare 1 was much enjoyable.
Is this game worth ?? i have heard Warfare 1 was much enjoyable.

Modern Warfare is a very good game, but personally I am bored with all the maps now and not many custom ones I've used are that good.

I really hope that IW have a change of heart and at least patch Dedicated servers in for the PC version. If they don't, I reckon MW2 - one of the most anticipated games of recent years - will have a very short life on PC - the platform that made IW what it is today.
I really hope that IW have a change of heart and at least patch Dedicated servers in for the PC version. If they don't, I reckon MW2 - one of the most anticipated games of recent years - will have a very short life on PC - the platform that made IW what it is today.

I wouldn't get your hopes up, they're pretty stubborn about

My advice is to enjoy MW2 on your console, and if you're looking for a top quality PC game from a developer that cares, look no futher than the newly released Dragon Age Origins from Bioware. Best RPG since KOTOR, fantastic.
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Just got another patch on the PS3, on-line seems to work well now. First time on-line in MW2, very enjoyable, obviously.


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