End Game Newbie Mafia - AK MODS & zwarrior (Mafia) Win!

Day 3

After a long long wait things moved. Rudi had all the attention on him. Was it intentional? Maybe not. AK Mods hammered in no time. It was discovered:

Rudi was a Vanilla Townie, Town Aligned.

It is now Night 3. Please send in your roles within 24 hours.
It surely depends on each player on how he will call the 'town'. You are just trying to get a reason out of nothing and use it against an individual.

Even if it was a townie, XG role would have been important as his day vote matters. His replacement not necessarily mean XG would have been mafia. According to you, you said XG role will be important and said as mafia. Why are you not telling his role could be of doctor too ? Now, I am not suggesting XG is doc. But, he can be doc or mafia according to your logic. You are just taking what you want to see. Sorry man but your posts are very doubtful compared to others.

Lynch : Rudi
Ghost post : Congratulations on misreading the entire game :thumbs @ThanksRudolph kindly add me to the spectator chat.
Night 3

It was all going mafia's way. This night was no different. The boss attacked CerealKiller with a rod. Bam! There he lied, dead.

He was a Vanilla Townie, Town Aligned.

With only 4 remaining and two mafias present, this town was done and dusted. They both looked at each other and grinned. They knew their mission to overtake this town was going to be a success soon.

The boss shot AliB and Sodium on the chest as both fell down, dead!

AliB was a Town Doctor, Town Aligned.

Sodium was a a Vanilla Townie, Town Aligned.

It is zwarrior and AK Mods who are left now.

zwarrior was a Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Aligned.

AK MODS was a Mafia Godfather, Mafia Aligned.

AK MODS and zwarrior win the Newbie Mafia!
Oh yeah. :D I was so nervous. But everything worked out as planned. Thanks @Rebel2k17 for making this game. Hopefully the newbies had a good time. Anyone mind adding me for spectator chat or post the messages here ? @Yash. or @ThanksRudolph Interested to see this from others point of view.

It was a nice game.[DOUBLEPOST=1521439984][/DOUBLEPOST]If anyone is interested to see mafia chat, I will add them to chat or post the messages here.
Another thing, I ban @SamSax. from all of mine mafia games in the future (if any). What he did is unacceptable as town.
Haha. It was good for mafias though :p

But yeah. As I told before, that was the most dumbest post in mafia games, ever.
I trusted z and AK, lol. They turned out to be mafia. I couldn't role claim as it was a PR. :p
This convo for you two to discuss your strategies.
but u r also in this convo
Yes because I am the game moderator. Also, please avoid text speak.

You can perform the kill in the night phase. I will suggest you to wait for zwarrior to come online as he will be able to guide you much better.
Came online just now. I will go through stuff now.
@AKMODS- Post casually. Just tell you recieved the role and for CK, reply that you were busy in film theatre or something so you were just thanking posts and decided to post later when you were free.

From next time, if you are not planning to post something when someone mentioned/quoted you, do not thank posts.
What should I reply on this message?
First tell me how to play this game?
Just follow my lead. DO not look suspicious.
I was outside and I was just thanking posts and I decided to post later when I came to house.
what should i do in this game?
how to kill a player?
wait. I will tell
There are two phases in this game.

Day phase- Here, we will have arguments and discussion and try to find out who is mafia. ( It's we two who are mafia in this game ). At the end of day, all people will vote for other people whom they think is mafia. If any person gets majority votes (5 in this round), then that guy will die. After he dies, Rebel2k17 will tell what is his role. So, in day phase, we both have to try and behave like we are town people and not mafias. If no one gets majority, then the day will end without anyone dying.

Night phase- After day phase ends, night phase will start and no players will post in the thread. You and me will have to tell rebel2k17 whom we want to kill. Yo are god father, so you will tell whom to kill (But in this match, I will guide you whom to kill) and I am a role blocker, so I will block one person. Meaning, there are two power role in town. Doctor and cop.

Cop will tell rebel2k17 in PM whom he wants to investigate. Rebel2k17 will tell that person what is the role of that guy. Ex- if you are cop, you will ask rebel about my role. Rebel will tell you what is my role and you will get to know my role.

doctor will protect one guy. He will PM to rebel and that guy whom doctor protects, wont be killed by mafias if mafias try to kill him in night.

So, when I block someone, example doctor, then doctor will not be able to protect that guy. If I block someone who doesnt have any power role, then nothing happens.

Understood ?
Any doubts you can ask here.
What is lynch ?
Lynch meanse voting. If I lynch you, I am voting for you to die.
If I FOS you, then I am doubting you. ( Not considered as vote )
Gaurav- Can I suggest to akmods whom to kill ?
Yeah ofcourse.
I want to block - fire and blood
AK wants to kill - CK.
Oh yeah. Bang on. I was confident CK had a PR. The way he posted, it was easy to find out. We have big advantage now. Cop is the main threat for us. Next aim should be to get the doc.
You actually saved yourself by killing CK. He investigated you tonight!
haha :D I thought he will investigate me or Rudi.

Need to get doctor fast. @ AK, post in the thread when you get time. You get the hang of the game now. right ? Any doubts you have, you can ask here.
me or z ?
He investigated z.
Need to get doctor. WIll send the kills tomorrow
I think SamSax. is doctor.
I am not sure
He is not. Rebel just posted it.
I want to let go of inactive members. I wanted to kill one of Ali, Sod or Rudi ( because of their experience ) but let's keep the thread active.


AK will kill = fire and blood . Out of other inactive members, I feel fire and blood has higher possibility of having PR by looking at his posts.

I will block = Rudi
But didn't ck investigate me ? You didn't tell him the results of his investigation ?
Yeah I didn't. I just told him he was killed.
Ak. Tell me when you are gonna be online tomorrow( Sunday) after 10 AM.
Rudi has two votes. He needs 2 more votes and he will die .then if we kill someone in night if doctor doesn't protect them, we will win the game.
But for that to happen, both of us has to vote for rudi at same time.
So, tell me when you will be online and we will vote together when I tell you.
Do not post in thread before asking me.
Now, I am online.
But I was not. That's why i asked. So tell me when you will come online next?
Now I am online
Lol at you two! :p

Where r u Z?
I have been online since last 1 hour.
Lol man.

Come online at 7PM. It's fixed. If 7pm not possible, tell me which time you are ok with?
Lol. I hope none of them take back their Lynch. We already wasted so much time
I would have been online more but WiFi at home is not working due to rain and my data pack in mobile is slow.

So if possible come online at 7, else tell me the time when you will come online next.

Don't tell 'I am online now'. Tell when you will come online next.
7 - 7:30 pm
Ok. Are you there now?
Ok. I will post now in 3 minutes .Then you also post by telling

Lynch rudi. And give some reason. Post as soon as I post
which reason should I give?
I don't have any reason.
I am going somewhere out for only 10-15 minutes.
I will post when i will come back.
Ok. But post fast.

Or just don't give any reason. Tell Lynch rudi
I am ready to post now. Came on pc and wifi started working. So, I am online. Just message here when you are back.
I am back
post now
Post now. Fast
Now post as , 'it's a hammer' and tag Rebel.
Now everyone will get to know we both are mafias.

If rudi is doctor, we won the game. But if rudi is not doctor, we have to kill the right person , the person who is not protected by doc. Otherwise, we woll loose the game.
Good! read my previous post.
Oh crap. Rudi is not doc. Not good. We have to find the right person.

I will need some time to decide. Go through all the posts and think who can be doc.

Gaurav- I will send the message later in the night.
Ok. Well. I will just go through all the posts and see.
AK will kill - CK.
I will block - Ali.

If Sod is doc, I believe he will save Ali as CK is posting more aggressively than Ali and Sod may think Ali is a safe bet.
If Ali is doc, doesn't matter as I am blocking him
If CK is doc, doesn't matter as AK will kill CK

I feel the townies think only Sod is fixed townie and are suspecting everyone else as mafias and I think Doc will save Sodium. So, don't want to risk by killing Sodium.
Please post the results now. I am very tensed. If I got this wrong, it's all over for us.
If no one dies in the night, then doctor has to be Sodium.
Well played scum aka @zwarrior !!! @AliB , you suck at playing a townie ... you costed us the game !!!!!!!!!

So @zwarrior was it your plan all along for AK to post as little as possible?
Haha yeah. He was new at this and I wanted to guide him properly. SO, he was posting less.
@AliB , you suck at playing a townie ... you costed us the game !!!!!!!!!

Can I get blame for that, please ?

yeah-yeah I know everyone now hates me for that post of mine. And I accept @user2010 's punishment too... And all I have to say is, although I believe it won't make any difference, but - Sorry!!
Can I get blame for that, please ?

yeah-yeah I know everyone now hates me for that post of mine. And I accept @user2010 's punishment too... And all I have to say is, although I believe it won't make any difference, but - Sorry!!
Relax. No one hates you.

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