Player Editing Tutorial

I think the best way to do it was to use the DOB Converter and then search for that hex in Artmoney, that was always pretty reliable for me when I didn't have the editor or scout.
I think the best way to do it was to use the DOB Converter and then search for that hex in Artmoney, that was always pretty reliable for me when I didn't have the editor or scout.

That's what I do, coupled with an ArtMoney table I made to make my ratings tables.
It's working for me now, thanks guys :)

Another question, what was all that "Magpie" editing business.

A) WHat did it do?
B) How do you do it?

Thanks in advance :)
Magpie was for the ICC2002 database. I never played the game back then so I don't know much about it
I might attempt to program an editor or scout for ICC2010, with the editor to fall into safe hands only... but it could be quite tough, and a big learning curve. I'm starting to learn C# again, which is what Fe programmed the ICC09 Editor in, but I still don't understand a lot of stuff.

The first obvious point is though is that the ICC09 Editor does not work with ICC10. This means that something has obviously changed, but what? Does the DOB code still work to bring up a player in Artmoney? Why is it not working in this version if the Artmoney still works fine?
I might attempt to program an editor or scout for ICC2010, with the editor to fall into safe hands only... but it could be quite tough, and a big learning curve. I'm starting to learn C# again, which is what Fe programmed the ICC09 Editor in, but I still don't understand a lot of stuff.

The first obvious point is though is that the ICC09 Editor does not work with ICC10. This means that something has obviously changed, but what? Does the DOB code still work to bring up a player in Artmoney? Why is it not working in this version if the Artmoney still works fine?

Could it be because of making running a Australian state team is now possible?

Well I managed to change the ages with artmoney for ICC10 so I dunno
The ICC09 Editor does not work because there are different pointers for each player (or something along those lines, Fe was trying to explain it to me when updating the 2008 editor). The DOB code method works perfectly fine, that's how I've been making my lists, but that isn't the method by which the players are drawn up in the editor - that's how it was in the original versions, but that way is extremely slow.
Really? I was analysing the source code and it looked like it did use that method, but I guess not... it doesn't mean a whole lot to me anyhow.. :(

This seems to be the code in the ICC09 Editor for finding the DOB.

private byte[] dobToCodes(DateTime DOB)
            byte[] codes = new byte [3];
            DateTime Default = new DateTime(1944, 11, 8, 0, 0, 0);
            TimeSpan difference = DOB.Subtract(Default);
            int multiplier = 1;
            int startZ = 208;

            if (difference.Days > 49152)
                Default = new DateTime(2079, 6, 5, 0, 0, 0);
                difference = DOB.Subtract(Default);
                multiplier = 4;
                startZ = 240;
            else if (difference.Days > 16384)
                Default = new DateTime(1989, 9, 17, 0, 0, 0);
                difference = DOB.Subtract(Default);
                multiplier = 2;
                startZ = 224;
            codes[0] = (byte)((difference.Days % (4 * multiplier)) * (64 / multiplier));
            codes[1] = (byte)((((difference.Days / (4 * multiplier)) % 256)));
            codes[2] = (byte)(((difference.Days / (1024 * multiplier)) + startZ));

            return codes;
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You will have to edit this line to make it work.I managed to make it work with ICC 2010.I would have uploaded the editor,but many people here are against an editor cause it will be used to cheat online.

byte[] temp = pReader.ReadProcessMemory((IntPtr)0x006cd150, 4, out bytesRead);
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Really? I was analysing the source code and it looked like it did use that method, but I guess not... it doesn't mean a whole lot to me anyhow.. :(

This seems to be the code in the ICC09 Editor for finding the DOB.

private byte[] dobToCodes(DateTime DOB)
            byte[] codes = new byte [3];
            DateTime Default = new DateTime(1944, 11, 8, 0, 0, 0);
            TimeSpan difference = DOB.Subtract(Default);
            int multiplier = 1;
            int startZ = 208;

            if (difference.Days > 49152)
                Default = new DateTime(2079, 6, 5, 0, 0, 0);
                difference = DOB.Subtract(Default);
                multiplier = 4;
                startZ = 240;
            else if (difference.Days > 16384)
                Default = new DateTime(1989, 9, 17, 0, 0, 0);
                difference = DOB.Subtract(Default);
                multiplier = 2;
                startZ = 224;
            codes[0] = (byte)((difference.Days % (4 * multiplier)) * (64 / multiplier));
            codes[1] = (byte)((((difference.Days / (4 * multiplier)) % 256)));
            codes[2] = (byte)(((difference.Days / (1024 * multiplier)) + startZ));

            return codes;

That code's used to convert the dob numbers into the actual date of birth, but not to find the player. There are too many players that have the same birthdate to make that a feasible way of finding players

You will have to edit this line to make it work.I managed to make it work with ICC 2010.I would have uploaded the editor,but many people here are against an editor cause it will be used to cheat online.

Yes that is the correct way to do it. What I think should be done is create a scout only, not an editor... The scout would probably use a similar method
well the ICC 08 editor works with ICC 2010 so...
One very old and obsolete version works for some of the options.
The ICC09 Editor does not work because there are different pointers for each player (or something along those lines, Fe was trying to explain it to me when updating the 2008 editor).
That's pretty much it. Basically the editor relies on a pointer determined by the game so if we find this we can use that and simply apply offsets (well, not really, but that's the jist of it) to determine the different values. However with each new release of the game (well, sometimes, anyway) the addresses for the values (nationality, batting ability, etc) are changed so we need to find the new offsets using Artmoney, Cheat Engine, or any other memory editor.

That's basically it. Sorry that I can't help with working on an editor (think I mentioned why in this thread or another one; was really looking forward to it too).
Yes that is the correct way to do it. What I think should be done is create a scout only, not an editor... The scout would probably use a similar method
I still remember many tricks that I used to do using Art Money:p.

However with each new release of the game (well, sometimes, anyway) the addresses for the values (nationality, batting ability, etc) are changed so we need to find the new offsets using Artmoney, Cheat Engine, or any other memory editor.
I use Tsearch and I can also help in finding some offsets. Let me know which offsets to find:)

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