PS3/Xbox 360/PC Gamertags Thread - AC09 Online Play

PS3- zechelseaboy
if you send request saying your from planet cricket, then i will accept then if you want a game (online) before i have even played then yeh send me a friend request tonight and i'll accept tomorrow morning. Ill play online if anyone wants to give me a match
hopefully my copy will arrive tommorow if not saturday so I'll post my PSN ID now if thats ok.

Just a little note to whitehornmatt; you've incorrectly listed my Xbox Live tag (Pizzorno) as a PS3 network ID. :)
On-line test match? I can do about 40 overs per hour in single player. So, 11 hour stints anyone? :D
PS3 - zechelseaboy
if you want to beat someone without them quitting, i am the man to add.
I have already paid for the game and will be getting it in 2-3 days time
u can add me to the list if u want

you can add me to the list now the game did arrive this morning. Will be on in a few hours so will probably give you a game if you want.
Mine is TheBluePotter Xbox Live, I dont know when Ill get on hopefully Saturday.
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