Sri Lankan players attacked in Pakistan?!

some of the post in here and the link making me think that it is true, when Mumbai was under attack India blamed Pakistan, so Pakistan attacked themselves to blame India? =S

MacLovin added 17 Minutes and 53 Seconds later...

i have one Question, who video taped all these?
Maybe the Indian cricket team is behind it all, Dhoni seemed to know more than he was letting on perhaps he knew this was going to happen? He did make sure that they didn't travel to Pakistan and he may have got infomation to inform the terrorist that the route had been changed...
Oh wait Im just typing sensationalistic crap again
Yeah seems interesting.Even as King cricket posted some posts ago,the bus route was changed at the last minute.How did the terrorists got to know the change in route?
Moreover the pakistan team were still in the team hotel.
No it wasn't. The bus route, according to Simon Taufel on the radio, was the same for every day of the test. In fact, he was angry that the route wasn't changed as a security precaution.
Well the whole scenario looks really suspicious. Here let me put it again.

1)Generally, both teams bus travel together from hotel to the stadium. But on that day, pakistani players somehow decided to sleep a little longer and thus their bus got delayed.

2) Then after the attack the younis khan was not even shocked in the press conference. He was all bubbly and laughing:noway:noway:mad:.

3)Murali said on cricinfothat the SL teams route to the stadium was changed at the last moment. How come terrorist knew bout this change of route.

4)Then during attack there were not even a single armed policeman in the bus where there are allways 1 or 2 even in normal conditions.

5)During the attack the security forces left the umpires on their own(Chris broad said that).

6)Noone suspected 12 terrorist carrying bomns and machine guns inside such a busy market of lahore??

Point 2,3,4 somehow indicate that the security forces and pakistan team were involved in this all ****. Terrorist tipped pakistanis to stay at the hotel so that they wont be caught in the gunfire meant for SL, then the security is reduced from the team bus to minmize the pakistani casualty, then someone in the security forces tipped them bout the change of route of the SL bus. A godamn conspiracy. I am not being selfish but i thank god that indian govt stooped the team from touring pakistan earlier this year.
Coming back to point 6, well if pakistani say that they cannot trace 12 terrorists carrying ammunition in the busy public places then hiow come they clame the top level security. Mumbai attack was in the night thus there werent much polics force on ground duty, terrorists cames via sea on a boat thus were hard to trace. But unlike pakistan India killed all the terrorists and captured one alive. Pakistanis should have atleast caught one?.

P.S: I am not being insensitive her but after watching the CCTV tape of terrorists on news,first thaough came in mind was " They are Playing GTA 4 in real life, thats fliping sick"

You sir, are a flip wit.

Mind you, we come to expect the consirpatorial angles, but really, the simplest explanation is usually the right one.

There are arseholes in the world who want to hurt people and they will keep trying. The security people have to get it right everytime, the arseholes only once. Sad but true.

The conspriatorial crap people go on with knows no bounds. It doesn't surprise me, because frankly there are elements within subcontintental cricket who see conspiracy in a disputed caught behind, let alone a tragic event like this. Honestly, wake up to yourselves.

Indian cricket team involved? ROFLMAO - what possible benefit do they have? India and Pakistan are, for all intents and purposes at war mate. Of course it's dangerous for Indians to tour Pakistan. More so after Mumbai.

Pakistan team knew about it, that's why they were late? LMAO - "No one's been here in ages, SL are here. Let's blow them up" Idiots. I know a bloke who caught the 8 o'clock train every morning from Parramatta to the City. For one day in his life he was late - it was the day a bridge collapsed on the train and killed 80 odd people. **** like that happens. When it does, you count your lucky stars.

Honestly, some of these opinions are like a poor man's Tom Clancy novel.

Of course, everyone's entitled to their opinion. But opinions like those expressed in this thread are dangerously poor.
doesnt that work the other way too?
dont india blame pak for every little gun going off?

And in ninety nine percent of these cases terror groups from within Pakistan claim responsibility. Remember that bomb blast which happened in Pakistan after 26/11? The Pak media was continuously blaming and abusing the RAW for everything without having any solid proves. Then when that Talibani group claimed responsibility they all just stopped.

King Cricket added 6 Minutes and 33 Seconds later...

BTW, I was just surfing the net. And here's a video I came across. Just see how calmly these terrorists escaped the spot by bikes and everything without having a single policeman chasing/following them. No wonder Broad is complaining about the security.

now Im not going to call you and idiot but if Themer backs up what Im going to post below than I will.

I believe that Themer was making a sarcastic reply to max_dillons post, the same big one you quoted.

BTW, I was just surfing the net. And here's a video I came across. Just see how calmly these terrorists escaped the spot by bikes and everything without having a single policeman chasing/following them. No wonder Broad is complaining about the security.

wow looking like regular pedestrians just walking around.
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now Im not going to call you and idiot but if Themer backs up what Im going to post below than I will.

I believe that Themer was making a sarcastic reply to max_dillons post, the same big one you quoted.

How some people don't understand sarcasm. One is Max Dillon and the other is that guy.
Investigations are being carried out .. and guess who is behind it?

lol .. its none other than pakistan military people , zardari involvement , LeT

DAWN NEWS LINK>> DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistani militants seen most likely behind attack

it was all drama to to blame india and get out of mumbai case. Even the 50% security people were corrupt in the 20 security people who were there on the scene. THe real security people dint have any guns who were inside the bus. And they all died. The corrupt police guys were hiding outside so that terrorists can attack and create drama and leave.

And first of all .. why did driver stop the bus?
out of 20 security people .. 6were dead .. what were others doing .. cant they kill atleast one terrorist ?
why didnt terrorists get hold of bus and create hostage situation? cant they blast whole bus by grenades / bombs easily since it has petrol ? why did they left ?????????? to just create drama and leave ??????
now Im not going to call you and idiot but if Themer backs up what Im going to post below than I will.

I believe that Themer was making a sarcastic reply to max_dillons post, the same big one you quoted.

Yeah I was being sarcastic hence the writing in white in that post. Can't believe some people don't understand sarcasm.

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