We want autoplay in BLC

andrew_nixon said:
If you really do love Test cricket, then why miss half of the game by autoplaying it?
Because some parts of it i may not want to play,or i may want to move on to the next test match.And wheter i play the whole test match or three overs of the test match, it doesn't mean it is a radar on my feelings towards test cricket(well not in my opinion anyway).
Are you for autoplay in future cricket games?And why qeastion people over why they want autoplay?Your intelligent enough to come up with a few reasons by yourself, or just read and take in. ;)
But what about other people who don't think it's cheating,don't you think it should be accessable for people unlike yourself.You simply don't have to use it.
andrew_nixon said:
No I'm not up for autoplay in future cricket games, unless it is accesses only by some sort of cheat, as that is what it is.

Andrew you seem to be loving a game with no autoplay :D
andrew_nixon said:
If you really do love Test cricket, then why miss half of the game by autoplaying it?

Thats because games like cricket take a long time to finish.
And other games finish quickly
like football,racing etc.

Also you dont expect a test cricket lover to sit in front of the television screen entire day watching the telecast.,do you?
sachin said:
But what about other people who don't think it's cheating,don't you think it should be accessable for people unlike yourself.You simply don't have to use it.
It is cheating, I really can't see any argument for it not being cheating. After all, in real life if you get someone else to play a game for you, that would be cheating.

iceman_waugh said:
Thats because games like cricket take a long time to finish.
The time argument just isn't accpetable for the pro-autoplay argument. That is what save games are for.
andrew_nixon said:
No I'm not up for autoplay in future cricket games, unless it is accesses only by some sort of cheat, as that is what it is.
Bullsh*t, it doesn't in any way unfairly assist your ability to play the game, it provides a tool which allows gamers to play and enjoy what they want (which is after all the point of playing games, fun) and, most likely, to compensate for poor CPU batting AI (or bowling, if the CPU bowling is sh*t and batting is realistically too easy to provide you with a good contest I would be autoplaying that and only bowling, it works both ways). I honestly don't think that Codies, or EA, will produce a game with good enough AI to respond to good human bowling, and it's good that EA have provided the ability to retain a playable game in this situation.

I can also understand the time argument, although it wouldn't apply to me, if somebody wants to bat then they should be allowed to do that, and it's perfectly reasonable for people not to want to spend weeks on a single match when they want to play series and seasons. Regardless of our feelings about that, the choice should be there
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Anyhow, forgetting the autplay part for some time.

is there going to be a "save game" mode for the classic matches.
i remember that it was'nt there in their last version.

If there's no save mode in classic matches i dont think we'd be able to enjoy the game
andrew_nixon said:
It is cheating, I really can't see any argument for it not being cheating. After all, in real life if you get someone else to play a game for you, that would be cheating.

The time argument just isn't accpetable for the pro-autoplay argument. That is what save games are for.
I think you are taking it to seriously.I'm not going to argue that it's not cheating,i'm simply saying that it should be there for peole who don't want to play the whole darn thing.PLaying a test match,would get really repetitive and therefor you are lees likely to keep playing it.It is a loose for Codies.

brad352 said:
Bullsh*t, it doesn't in any way unfairly assist your ability to play the game, it provides a tool which allows gamers to play and enjoy what they want (which is after all the point of playing games, fun) and, most likely, to compensate for poor CPU batting AI (or bowling, if the CPU bowling is sh*t and batting is realistically too easy to provide you with a good contest I would be autoplaying that and only bowling, it works both ways). I honestly don't think that Codies, or EA, will produce a game with good enough AI to respond to good human bowling, and it's good that EA have provided the ability to retain a playable game in this situation.

I can also understand the time argument, although it wouldn't apply to me, if somebody wants to bat then they should be allowed to do that, and it's perfectly reasonable for people not to want to spend weeks on a single match when they want to play series and seasons. Regardless of our feelings about that, the choice should be there
I agree with you wholeheartedly! ;)
andrew_nixon said:
If you really do love Test cricket, then why miss half of the game by autoplaying it?

he shoots...HE SCORES!!! :D
I think an autoplay option should probably be in a game but to be honest i would rather the time spent on programming an autoplay option would be spent programming good A.I. so that we have a good hard realistic game to play.
Well, as you cant sit and watch each and every delivry of 5 days test match, you cant play each and every delivry of the Game. So auto play is must.
I used the autoplay in cricket 2004 purely for the reason that it was boring. You could put the ball in pretty much the same spot ball after ball and the AI couldn't get runs. I'm hoping the reason they left autoplay out of BLIC is due to the bowling part of the game being so much more interesting than cricket 2004. if thats the case then i'm happy. Going out at lunch today to see if i can get the PS2 demo!!!
imran102b said:
Well, as you cant sit and watch each and every delivry of 5 days test match, you cant play each and every delivry of the Game. So auto play is must.

Just a couple of points:
1. The bowling 'feels' fast. So actually, bowling 50 overs won't be that much of a problem. The main problem most of us have is we only have experience of 'boring' controls in the EA Sports cricket series (in recent additions - 2002,2004). Therefore some of you can't imagine bowling lots and lots of overs. Which I don't blame you for at all!

2. The bowling control system is fantastic, it gives you a wonderful amount of control over bowling.

Just give it a try, you may be pleasantly surprised.

By the way, i'm not saying the exclusion of autoplay is a good or a bad thing, i'm just not particularly bothered.
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