Chucking tests don't work

sohummisra said:
Could you kindly explain how Murali can bowl 80% of his sides overs if you are not allowed to bowl two back-to-back overs?

That my friend, is a very good point. But you catch my drift..
The point is chucking tests dont work.

In my view Murali still has not been cleared of chucking.

He went to the tests bowled his stock delivery for a little while (no doosra was bowled)

They said his action was suspect but it wasnt as bad as it looks with only slightly more flex at the elbow than most bowlers.

So how can they possibly clear him when they havent even tested him properly yet.
He wasnt putting much effort into his deliveries (they barely even turned)
He never bowled a single change up delivery (doosra etc)

The tests were performed where i live,there were news crews there watching all this and reporting to us in the daily news,showing footage etc.
They said no doosra was bowled and showed us how he wasnt even trying and the ball was hardly turning at all.

There is the reason i still wont believe he is not a chucker.

That being said i would still hate to see him banned hes a great character,good to watch and that big smile makes it hard to not like him.

Do this simple test and then tell me chucking doesnt help you spin it more.

Dont even need a ball just stand up and do a normal throwing action and use your wrist to spin an offspinner.
Watch how much flex you can now get in your wrist.
Notice how your arm palms are facing up

Next do a normal straight arm bowling action andtry to keep it as straight as possible and once again use your wrists for an off spinner.
keep an eye on your wrsits to see how much flex you get.
Because your arm is rolling in a downward direction your palms will finish facing to the left.

Now roll your arm over again this time allowing the elbow to bend.
Notice how once again your palms are facing up allowing you to generate more spin by your arms not being affected by the downward motion of a normal legal delivery.
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Jarryd said:
......Did you fail to read the first post of this thread?

No i've re-read it 3 times.

So just because he bowled at 45kph in the test at 14.9, doesn't mean that when he bowls at 90 his arm would be higher, not neccesarily.

Sman, Murali gets his spin from having a more flexible wrist than everyone including you so don't judge him on your own stupid tests.

sachin said:
Yeah and i COULD stereotype you mate,but then i'm not a fool like you :mad:
He isn't blind,he managed to work out where the Seafood was at Subway :D

Anyway,supposedly they've cleared(or had no problem with) his action,but Perrera has a pretty crooked arm......What do we think?

It's a unusual action from Perera (everyones action is different) but there's nothign wrong with, arm stays straight throughout the delivery. (if that's what you meant, Sahcin).
Well about 3/4 of the ground last night shouted "no-ball" when Murali was bowling. I agree with Sureshot, Murali generates alot of his spin from his flexing of the wrist. The super slow-mo on Nine showed Murali using his wrist to spin the ball and his arm action seemed pretty legitimate to me.
Lol some crowds in Australia do that already. They shout "TXT me Warney", "Warney I'm pregnant" and all other sort of stuffs concerning about SMS.

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