Post your questions about the game here!

every game before we could able to open downloads in planetcricket y not now
Rs 3500 too costly make it 1500

Everyone who makes anything for the game, and uses that subforum has paid for the game and fully supports the game such that it can grow and sell better. People pirating the game are risking the future of the PC version, and as a modding community this is hugely troubling. If you want to access the subforum, the least you could do is purchase the game and support BigAnt as they've made a fantastic game.
every game before we could able to open downloads in planetcricket y not now
Rs 3500 too costly make it 1500

Then you can't afford it and therefore cannot have it. Simple.

You don't *need* the game, it's a want.

Don't steal - karma's a bitch.
every game before we could able to open downloads in planetcricket y not now
This game is different. BigAnt have been here day in day out for almost 2 years now interacting with the community, we must support them in any way we can and if that means blocking out thieving little tweakers like yourself from accessing the mods then so be it.
If you want gold for the price of silver, go to oak furniture land! For everything else buy it!
I thought we were into banning pirates.

Speaking from my perspective: I only ever infract if its someone who's either moaning about how their pirated game doesn't work, or boasts about paying nothing for the game. Someone asking why it always rain in their game generally will get a pirate tag (unless they are legit, which seems to be increasingly common); while someone who's like "lol don't lie, you've all pirated the game!!!' or "this isn't fair!!!" gets a break from the forums. Other mods are probably different; but that is generally the trend that I see. We have had a few people get binged by two mods at the same time which leads to some very long bans because of the way the infraction system works... We don't permaban everyone since that would lead to us spending all day chasing multiple accounts which people do enough already... We do perma those who've been very, very annoying and post about it day and night, like that orangezeb guy did...

Remarkably enough, being an annoying little shit leads to us treating you harsher!
unfair to pirated version unable to access download forum

You what? Ha ha, that's so funny - someone steals the game and then cries they can't access the downloads forum... I've heard it all now...maybe.. :D

Unfair would be the pirates making niche market PC games like DBC14 not economically viable.

fearsome tweak off, fearsome tweak right off.

Ha ha I like it!

every game before we could able to open downloads in planetcricket y not now
Rs 3500 too costly make it 1500

Ah... that old chestnut again. Tell me... how much did your PC cost? Y'know - the thing you actually play games on? Guess what Sonny Jim: if you can afford a PC, you can afford to stick your hand in your pocket and pay for the best cricket game of all time, thereby supporting further editions in the franchise...
You know what I hate about pirates? The way it derails a thread for 3-4 pages while everyone jumps on board to show how much they hate that person.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZ............Just ban them and get on with it.
Random question: what ports would you need to forward to get through NAT/firewall issues on PC?

I haven't had any issues with any game recently, but figure it might help with some things I've seen in DBC so far.
Is there a way to see the "hot spot" thingie in a replay? Would be nice to see if that thin edge I was called out for actually happened.
Not as yet. It's one of a myriad of HUD elements that are oft-requested to be included more frequently.
I found this game graphics to be awsom but i find it very hard to bat and bowl and it gets frustrating. i dont like the new batting controls/. if there any way to make the batting controls easier like in previous games. for example cricket 2007 controls? i played in amatuer mode and i got to make few runs by just moving the analog stick but i didnt knew how to play cover drive square drive and what is feet movement ppurpose? please make me understand this or else i wont play this game if its too hard and complicated and same goes for bowling. every ball he bows is a short pitch which gets called no balls. isnt there a tutorial for this game? i saw game controls and it just shows what each buttons are used for. i dont like the kits. its no where to orignal and also i hate the line ups. why cant they just put the names correctly its not even fun playing it with random names of the players. i thought i would play this game all day but guess that wont happen now :(

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