Screenshot Of BLIC NET PRACTICE(looks bad)

Hey there is no prob with that screenshot.And Fardin could u plz bother to tell wat kind of nets do ur country uses?Maybe peanets i guess...
Well I guess some people have the habit of pointing out flaws in things, We should appreciate Codies efforts in trying to make a complete cricket game !!!
Once I have trained in the nets for a while, I will probably never see them again! (because I won't have any use for them)
It really isn't that important.
I agree that the Screenshot of the Practice net looks bad. But do you know it's features?

You can select where the bowler pitches, allows you to help yourself on the problem shot.

Does EA have this feature?
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yeh it could be on a dirt road for all i care if you could still select where the bowler pitches it
Nads said:
looks comepletly like cows dung that screenshot! The nets, models everything!

i hate idiots that cant do a proper job of wat they are supposed to do and still expect us to buy it!

Both codemasters and EA are pure loosers! its been soo many years and none can even get a simple cricket game right! It has to be the sport which is the most behind in games right now!

Are you ever complementary about anything? Cheers up you miserable git - we don't force this game on you, you don't have to buy it and just because you don't like one screenshot you call us losers (well, loosers) and idiots. Thanks.

How about you cheer up, you stop criticising a game you haven't played and give BLIC a chance. If you don't like it when you play it that's fine, but unwarranted moaning and name-calling doesn't endear you to anyone.

Thanks. :)
I think Rubbergenius is right.This game is looking very very promising I am dying to buy it.
dont think RG that by starting this thread I meant the game is bad.I still think it is very good and it satisfies all my need

I agree that the Screenshot of the Practice net looks bad. But do you know it's features?

You can select where the bowler pitches, allows you to help yourself on the problem shot.

Does EA have this feature?

Abs Right.This is a very good feature.
voldemort said:
I agree that the Screenshot of the Practice net looks bad. But do you know it's features?

You can select where the bowler pitches, allows you to help yourself on the problem shot.

Does EA have this feature?
This definetely looks interesting.Is the EA codies rivalry going to be the equivalent of fifa and WE?

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