TAOC Discussion

jk16_4 said:
nope..sorry..no hawkeye for TCP :(
its not only the money but also the technology and the knowledge crisis
due to which we cannot pull off such a thing.

Sorry this question may seem stupid but since the path of each ball has be simulated by the game, cant this be stored and then the over shown at the end. I understand for licesning reasons it cant be called hawkeye but surely no one can copyright a coloured line.
This the game has to work out thing like where the ball pitched, and where the ball was heading for umpire decisions so cant this be shown in a hawkeye style replay.
slade said:
Sorry this question may seem stupid but since the path of each ball has be simulated by the game, cant this be stored and then the over shown at the end. I understand for licesning reasons it cant be called hawkeye but surely no one can copyright a coloured line.
This the game has to work out thing like where the ball pitched, and where the ball was heading for umpire decisions so cant this be shown in a hawkeye style replay.

mate..it isnt as easy as it sounds. hard work & research may
accomplish our goal of creating a similar program like hawk-eye but do
keep in mind that LM is the only programmer here and you cant expect
so much from just one man and especially for a full 3D game's 1st release.

there might be something like you said in the next release(if any), who knows !
I think parts of hawkeye would be fairly easy to implement, like the thing where they show where each ball bounced in an over, but the thing that shows the flight of the ball would be much harder.
Do we really need hawkeye? I'd much rather have a cricket game thats plays really really well without the flighting thing, than a bad game with a lovely hawkeye system.
But on the other hand you do need a way of judging lbws.

How about a snickometer while we're at it, its not extremely hard to implement.
And please what ever happens make sure the commentary has more than like 3 phrases for every action!!!

For example on Cricket 2005 after every coin toss nearly the only commentary you get is, "Well we'll have to see if he's made the right decision here" It gets annoying after like 10 times, and I heard many more than that :crying

So please have a few phrases that will rotate evenly.
jdeus said:
And please what ever happens make sure the commentary has more than like 3 phrases for every action!!!

For example on Cricket 2005 after every coin toss nearly the only commentary you get is, "Well we'll have to see if he's made the right decision here" It gets annoying after like 10 times, and I heard many more than that :crying

So please have a few phrases that will rotate evenly.

You're going to hear the phrases repeated alot, unless theyve done a 100 different lines (or stitched them together cleverly).
They I know but please just alittle more variety and less repetition is all Im asking!
jdeus said:
And please what ever happens make sure the commentary has more than like 3 phrases for every action!!!
I can guarantee that the commentary will be much better than any other cricket game. And for things that happen a lot in games there will be more varied lines, for things that are rare in cricket there will be less lines. Well for my part of the commentary at least.
hey everyone,

just wanted to say that this week has been pretty productive for me so far...managed to get a lot of niggling bugs and other stuff sorted out, things that had been bothering me for a while...

so i'm working through this shortlist of little fixes before i'm into finishing off all the bowling. All bowling should now hopefully be completed by end of next week if all goes according to plan. So dont be surprised if you dont see me around the forums much. This just means i'm putting all of my free time into the game. I've made some really great improvements already.

I should also mention that this time off has helped me to re-assess the important things about the project, in particular gameplay. I feel that i kept getting bogged down in graphical stuff, leading to long digressions. Now i want to solely focus on completing the thing, with good gameplay above all else.



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