Your Cricket The Art of Offspin.

My spin

I bowl off-spin but haven't really bowled this season

(overs: 11)
(maidens: 1)
(runs: 45)
(wickets: 5)
(best 4-1-13-3)
(econ 4.09)
(average: 9)

I am quite pleased with this as i only got 3 wickets last season at 29 a piece.

Anyway back to the point I bowl a lot of flight bowls which seems to get a few tailenders out but the key to great spin bowling is variation!

being a flighty left armer, i can say its not about how much turn u get, but a bit of turn is useful tbh.
its about varying the angle, varying the speed, height, bounce.
also its about accuracy. if ur a left armer and u dont get much turn, then pitch it around off stump-middle and off on a good length.
if u giv it a huge rip, pitch it on middle and watch the fun!

varying the pace is misunderstood, because you can still get turn whilst varying the pace, look at graeme swann.
its all about the front arm. the bowling arm shouyld not change action but the front arm either pulls down to speed the delivery up, or relaxes to let the ball be more flighty.

its also about spinning the ball "forwards" or towards the slips (for a left armer) make sure the side of ur hand is facing the slips on delivery.
Bowled with the hard ball today with some of the guys from the Uni team.

Got some rhythm, was accurate, beat the bat several times. Around the wicket to right handers.

Down sides were that I wasn't spinning it a lot. I'll try that next session, see if I can bowl some big rippers to keep as variation. I also bowled a few bad balls. Length was good, line occasionally drifted down the legside.

I also didn't bowl so well to the two lefties. I can bowl well to lefties though, I know that, just need to get my rhythm going.

But all in all fairly pleasing performance. Slow offspinners FTW.
I also bowled a few bad balls. Length was good, line occasionally drifted down the legside.

I guess that's due to lack of practice :p I am sure once you have had a few overs under your belt, you will be more consistent. :)
I sure hope so :D

Really looking forward to bowling in a match after some more practice. The batsmen kept hitting the ball in the air and not clearing the infield, even the best batsman who came today. Get a nice ring around the edge of the circle, with maybe one or two close catchers, and I could cause havoc.

That is, unless the other club batsmen are better and/or stronger. Then I'm gonna get so hammered :p
if you're a right handed is it possible to learn left arm spin? or is it just ridiculous as it fight's the natural feeling?

any right handed left arm spinners knocking about?
ME! :D

I tried it. Honestly. I can bowl left arm with a full action, and have even attempted it with hard ball.

But it's hard, really hard. Ball comes out very slowly, you can't rip it well, and it's hard to control. Your left arm just isn't as strong as your right arm.
ME! :D

I tried it. Honestly. I can bowl left arm with a full action, and have even attempted it with hard ball.

But it's hard, really hard. Ball comes out very slowly, you can't rip it well, and it's hard to control. Your left arm just isn't as strong as your right arm.

Yeah thought that might be the craic :)

this has been my first year ever playing cricket like, mostly been 20 over stuff.

I have dabbled with a bit of everything, seam bowling i'm shockingly slow everytime i up my pace i bang it in too short and on English wickets in the North East it just sits up.

So i'm looking at everything to find a place in the sunday team
Off-spiners are desperate guys who want to be bowlers but can't bowl anything but off-spin, it's easy as piss to bowl.
Yeah it's easy to bowl offies but what about getting it right? Anyone can bowl an off spinner, but what about the line, length, drift and the amount you get it to spin?
Off-spiners are desperate guys who want to be bowlers but can't bowl anything but off-spin, it's easy as piss to bowl.
It's easy to bowl, true. But taking wickets as an offspinner is harder than any other bowling style. Simply because an average offspinner is easier to play as well.
So you've just contradicted yourself in admitting that Off-spin is the most difficult style to bowl as it isn't simple to take wickets? And that any offspinner who succeeds (Read: Ajmal, Swann, Harbhajan...) deserves a lot more respect that bowlers of other style who are as successful?
Precisely. So you should respect any offspinner who manages to take wickets, as it clearly takes more skill to take wickets with offspin that it does with any other style.

I rest my case :p

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