A Closed Setup Mafia - 7 Players | Endgame| Mafia - puddleduck Wins!|

Are you playing or not? Not sure what evidence I'm supposed to provide other than what I've already posted. You've been the least helpful of those remaining, and one of them is doing a good job of hiding, but you're looking the most obvious with your lack of interest.
BKB has a lynch on Manly btw, just thought I'd highlight that. Was hoping to hear from him again before the day closes. PD's stay was short and sweet before too, so I'd like to know if he's seeing what I'm seeing.

If we have a doc, at least we can rule out Manly as a potential target.
I would rather Yudi be replaced if possible, his posts have been scummy, however I'd rather someone else being involved in the conversation, instead of us having to lynch him off. :)

Manly has been looking at the thread for a while now and not posted anything. :p
Have I? Haha sorry man, massively pissed right now, I'll have another look tomorrow but No Lynch for me, as of right now. I'd rather someone die overnight than a mis-lynch and the town be massively on the back foot.
Sorry been a bit busy due to an old housemate staying. Will be able to have a proper read tomorrow, looks like maybe a few people have posted something worth reading again, but I have been drinking :p
Yudi's been scummy enough that replacing him just delays us further and puts us back to square one. He only had that 1 scummy post after 48 hours, then claims he's gonna be inactive for the next 2-3 days.. So I guess he'd been available until then? Looks like a scum mafia move to me, trying to get subbed out because he knows people are onto him. 2 days ago it would've been helpful, now it's just a pathetic attempt to delay the game further.
and where is BKB anyways? Only two posts from him and one was putting a lynch on Manly. Going by the process of elimination and what I know of people's games, it's starting to look like a Yudi/BKB mafia combo.
Alright we're 62 hours deep into this day.

Yudi - 1 post in 48 hours and 2 posts after, one of which was asking to be replaced the moment a lynch is placed.

BKB - 2 posts. One was putting a lynch on Manly.

Manly - 2 posts. First one took 36 hours from day beginning, but at least there was a claim.

Swirler - Hardly been in the game and has as many posts as those guys put together.

Haha, let's all get together and piss Sedition off since we know he's gonna blow up from all this bs inactivity.
Hopefully Zhuorb comes on soon, so there can be a decision on Yudi. He either needs to be replaced or mod-killed, because it's going to take ages for us to lynch him off.

After that's all sorted I'd like to hear more from BKB1991.

FOS: BKB1991
For fearsome tweak's sake, why do my games always have so much inactivity? Holy fearsome tweak! Yudi, if you need a replacement, it's better that you be modkilled, so that this game can have some progress. Finding a replacement is pretty hard at this point of time. Unless, simsanta123 volunteers to be a replacement.
Well I'm online via mobile and being charged roaming prices on my 3G data pack, so it's certain that I won't be able to come much online till Monday. Will be good if a replacement is found for me.
If you mod kill me then the game pretty much gets over.
For kerpluck's sake, why do my games always have so much inactivity? Holy kerpluck! Yudi, if you need a replacement, it's better that you be modkilled, so that this game can have some progress. Finding a replacement is pretty hard at this point of time. Unless, simsanta123 volunteers to be a replacement.

You should send him a message. :)
Alright since Zhuorb is as pissed as I am about the inactivity, he's probably going to say "fearsome tweak the town" and end the day soon. With BKB missing, it's down to 4 of us that have to lynch Yudi before that happens.

So we've got me, the most active player in the game, who's focused on Yudi since the day started. No one else seems to know much of anything, so that's probably a sign.

Yudi is Janitor - Mafia aligned. I am Detective.

Considering he's been more active since asking to be replaced, he's obviously just trying to screw the game up further and trying to avoid getting lynched.

The janitor role is usually a one-shot deal that hides the role of the townie that's been killed. So it's possible that Sim was a PR and "cleaned", though I think it would have been wise for them to save it for someone they were certain about.

So that's 1 mafia down, and it would seem to follow that 1 remains amongst PD, Manly, BKB and Swirler. BKB needs to get his ass into gear, but for now here's some food for thought on Manly's bomb claim:

- If he's telling the truth, why claim when not under pressure? I mean, as vanilla town, you don't mind getting yourself targeted by the mafia to preserve PR's, but as the bomb, you can take out a mafia at the same time.. If true, I think it's a purely selfish claim to avoid being night killed.
- If he's lying and is mafia, fair enough.
- If he's lying and is actually a town PR, then it's not a bad move to keep the mafia from targeting. But again, there was no pressure to claim, so I don't really get it.

So.. Lynch: Yudi. Detective lost and you're on your own :p
Current Vote Count
With 7 alive, it requires 4 to lynch.

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