Cricket 2004 - Negative inspiration

Originally posted by oltimer
I can be a game tester hehhehheh.... In 4 months I'll have my law degree so I could help if you need any legal advice in India. Anybody pirtaoing your game and we'll bust 'im in court.

Hope your law is better than your spelling?;)

Just joking.:)
Ahhhh <sigh>...nobody recognises my original invented wordz

PS: no im not inventing law :P
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ok... looks like there is a lack of c++ programmers around here. so i'm going to start asking around elsewhere too...

will keep you all informed...
oh! man..this is a GREAT idea...

i'd like to use all my free time for u... but dont know how i can help u... i can do some grfx works which might suite the interface designs... also can help u collect infos on player stats n details... dont know these might help u... anyway best of luck for u mate...

we can hope for a real cricket game this time...
it depends how much experience you need, but i know how to program in c++, just finished my tafe diploma in computer programming (learning c++, java and visual basic) and I?ve done a little bit of commercial work with c++

Nothing too high tech or advanced, but i love programming. I got a distinction in my all 3 of my C++ subjects so I do learn quickly and understand c++ quite well, but I know I still have a lot to learn. let me know if your want to discuss anything more, but I am interested in giving it a go.
Scatter, i'm in...i am still learning C++ particularly with regards to directx etc. but it's been my lifelong dream to do this...i know i could do better than what HB/EA produced...this is such good timing, because i was gonna start creating one myself! But if you're already getting a team together, i'm down...
me and my friend, both have some knowledge of c++.
if u tell me what are the skills required, it'll be helpfull to determine our place in this great project.
holy crap... :o

after the silence comes the storm...

this is great news peeps. rest assured i'll contact you one by one and discuss what we can do...

sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :D
bharath & benad - damn... i think i mucked up when sending you my email address just a second ago...

I think I put Scatter@....

it should be scatter@....

sorry about that.
oh, and for those offering help on the graphical front, don't worry, i haven't forgotten you, i just want to get the coders in order first.
Good luck Scatter, looks like youve got what you were after. I sincerely wish this takes off and does well too. Good luck guys.
ravi - you guys will have am opportunity for inputing ideas and stuff. i've got a whole raft of the listed, but the more we get the better...
Wonderful idea guys...only true cricket lovers can produce a game for true cricket lovers...i'm certainly one to put his hand up as a researcher.

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