EarthQuake Tremor

It started at 12:58am Robo. So if you missed it, it was minutes :p
my dad felt it he was watching shaun of the dead at the time
good idea rob a couple of people in my class were up and they felt it
What? I went to sleep after 1 and didn't feel a thing!
What? I went to sleep after 1 and didn't feel a thing!

Well, My dog would have alerted it to be as well so it couldn't have been much of a rattle.

My friends at college said they felt it though and they don't live to far away. Strange.
yup i felt it too...was watchin Shaun of the Dead on ITV when it happened...i thought someone had fallen out of bed upstairs at
Do you have a talking cat? As far as i know when i had a cat(died about month ago) it didn't scream when it was scared.
All animals in England talk, have you never been?

To be honest I'm not even sure what I heard was an earthquake it probably was someone murdering someone.
ooh I'm home alone tonight, perfect time to strike. I'm going out again, thanks a lot Culli you've saved my life. Although maybe i'm more likely to get killed when i walk outside my house. I don't know I'll just do what I did last night, go to bed, then when I think I'm about to be murdered pull the covers over my face so i don't have to watch.
I like it with the covers over their heads...

Anywho, Primary School kids don't half exaggerate. Some said their parents had been stabbed in the leg by flying knifes leaving wounds and having to go to the hospital for it. I've only heard of 1 person having to go to hospital with minor injuries. Apparently Grantham as 30+ possible deaths ;)

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