Health/Diet/Weight Loss/Fitness Management

8-12 litres of water is ridiculous, even glasses, one litre is fine. You're already taking in water through the green tea as well.
I think it is glasses, Sorry.:p
I'm getting lazy and fat on my summer vacation.Before the vacation my weight was 45 KGs and now it's 49 KGs.Can someone give me some tips.
Cut your vacations.
Nope. I don't know.

For what it's worth, it doesn't sound like anywhere near enough for a young healthy male. Might just about be enough for a female.

Remember, not all 'nutritionists' know what they're on about...
For what it's worth, it doesn't sound like anywhere near enough for a young healthy male. Might just about be enough for a female.

Remember, not all 'nutritionists' know what they're on about...
Actually the specified quantity is more,And also i have been instructed to take fruits when ever I feel Hungry.That will sum up.!
TBH,I seem to experience a similar case like neerdas,Day and Night,I get lazy and fat,any fruits/vegetables that help you cut down weight?
TBH,I seem to experience a similar case like neerdas,Day and Night,I get lazy and fat,any fruits/vegetables that help you cut down weight?

Eating at a caloric surplus will put weight on - and that applies whether you're eating fruit/veg or pizza; eat more calories than you need and you'll increase weight. If you don't get enough protein from your daily calories and/or don't do any resistance exercise then a lot of that extra weight will become fat.

Eating at a caloric deficit will increase weight. Protein and resistance work remain important unless you really like losing muscle mass.

Simples. ;)
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Daily taking amla juice and eating healthy vegetables and fruits and 1/2 an hour walk helping me to reduce stress and a little bit body weight.:)
Daily taking amla juice and eating healthy vegetables and fruits and 1/2 an hour walk helping me to reduce stress and a little bit body weight.:)

Where's your protein coming from though? Remember, if you don't keep up your protein intake while cutting, your body will happily use your muscle tissue for fuel as well as using fat.
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I weigh 75 kgs and am 5 foot 5 inches high, I am hefty, thats not a problem but I don't have much power and fall down easily when someone tries to push me i.e less balance. Please suggest me what to do to Gain power and the balance... Cheers!
I weigh 75 kgs and am 5 foot 5 inches high, I am hefty, thats not a problem but I don't have much power and fall down easily when someone tries to push me i.e less balance. Please suggest me what to do to Gain power and the balance... Cheers!

Have to work-out. Best thing to do is press-ups. If you can't do them, do girl press-ups. Sounds stupid and looks stupid, but after a few you will feel the burn in your abdomen.
I weigh 75 kgs and am 5 foot 5 inches high, I am hefty, thats not a problem but I don't have much power and fall down easily when someone tries to push me i.e less balance. Please suggest me what to do to Gain power and the balance... Cheers!

I have EXACTLY the same problem.

I've been having a lot of calf problems and arch problems recently, so I went to the physio around a month ago. He's taught me a bunch of new excercises I have to do at home to strengthen all the muscles including the one for balance which I believe is near your ankles. I'd visit a physio or search up online to strengthen that sort of thing, it's likely either a mechanical fault or simply being born with weak muscles in certain areas. The muscle responsible for that isn't going to be worked out at the gym and it CERTAINLY WON'T be helped by doing press-ups.

Chances are if you are weak in that one area you will be weak in others, so I think you should see a good physio or a good podiatrist or something as chances are that's not your only problem.
Been getting very tired recently pretty quickly and seem to suffer from prolonged fatigue. Do you guys have any suggestions of what would be the best multivitamin to take for a male aged 29?

Because of this, working out seems to be taking a backseat as I am not able to push myself to go out and workout.
The most common reasons for feeling tired are about daily habits.

1. What you eat. Reaching for caffeine and sugar can backfire, leaving you more fatigued as your blood sugar levels fluctuate wildly. Instead, go for a balanced, healthy diet replete with fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. "Most people feel like they're less tired if they eat a healthy diet," says J. Fred Ralston Jr., MD, past president of the American College of Physicians. "Eating healthy also means you'll carry less weight, and obesity is a big contributor to fatigue.

2. How much you sleep. You saw this one coming, right? Many people don't get enough sleep. If you're one of them, avoid caffeine and alcohol in the hours just before bedtime, turn off the TV before bed, and keep your bedroom quiet and restful.

3. How much you exercise. This is the biggie, Ralston says. His favorite prescription for plain old tiredness is regular, vigorous exercise. Finish at least three hours before bedtime, so you have time to wind down.

If you think that exercise would just make you more tired, there's good news: Exercise breeds energy. Almost all the studies that have looked at this question have found the same thing: Sedentary people who start exercising feel much less fatigue than those who stay idle. It's one of those surprising truths: move more and you'll get more energy.

Ralston recommends getting 40 minutes of exercise at least four days a week, to get you going.

Do that, and a month from now, you should notice some improvement. Keep with it for three to six months more, and you should feel much better.

If you follow your exercise prescription for at least a month -- and you're also making enough time for sleep -- and you're still feeling lousy, look into other causes, Ralston advises.
Could It Be Something Else?

The most common reasons for feeling so tired all the time are those we've just discussed. Don't start thinking that you've got a medical condition until you've tried those strategies and really given them a chance.

If you still feel exhausted, you'll need to check with your health care provider to look into it. Chronic tiredness is linked to many different medical conditions, such as:

4. Anemia. "This is a very common cause of fatigue and very easy to check with a simple blood test," says Sandra Fryhofer, MD, an Emory University clinical associate professor of medicine. "It's particularly a problem for women, especially those who are having heavy menstrual periods." You can remedy anemia with an iron-rich diet, heavy in meats and dark, leafy greens, or supplements if you have a chronic iron deficiency.

5. Deficiencies in key nutrients, such as potassium. Again, this is easily checked with blood testing.

6. Thyroid problems. Over- and under-active thyroids both can cause fatigue, Fryhofer says. A blood test for your level of thyroid-stimulating hormone can help evaluate your thyroid function.

7. Diabetes. People who have uncontrolled diabetes "just plain don't feel good," Fryhofer says. "If you feel draggy and you're also having blurred vision or lots of urination, you should get that checked with a blood test."

8. Depression. If your feelings of exhaustion are accompanied by sadness and loss of appetite, and you just can't find any pleasure in things you once enjoyed, you may be depressed. Don't keep that to yourself. Your doctor, or a therapist, can start you on the path back to feeling better.

9. Sleep problems. If you never feel rested, and nothing seems to fix that, you might look into visiting a sleep lab, especially if you snore. Snoring can be part of obstructive sleep apnea, in which people briefly stop breathing several times a night. There are treatments for that.

10. Undiagnosed heart disease. Tiredness can be a sign of heart trouble, particularly in women, Ralston says. "If you have trouble with exercise you used to do easily, or if you start feeling worse when you exercise, this could be a red flag for heart trouble. If you have any doubts, see your doctor."

But again, start with the basics: your sleep, your diet, and your activity level. Sometimes the simplest fixes are all it takes.

I got this information from some reliable websites,maybe it will help you.:thumbs
Till what age does one's height grow? I'm 17, my height is around 5'9.Want it to be atleast 5'10/11.Is there any scope my height would grow? Gonna be 18 years of age in this october.

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