Suggestions / Ideas / Wishlist

I don't really like the idea of that... but i havent seen it implemented properly so i cant really so how it would work really... but i just think if would take a bit of the realism away... maybe if there is the power bar and then also a timing bar like a shot with green power and perfect timing would rocket off the bat... but if you miss time an orange power shot it will still go for a boundary
Well timing is also a factor. I'm fairly certain that Paul has it fairly well worked out. Remember the reasons he began making this game - there is no way he would let anything silly like not having timing affecting shots get into the game.
Has there any discussion over running between the wickets?

My imagined best solution is where the players will keep running full speed and slide the bat through the crease unless another run is called before you reach the crease - in which case the batsmen will slow down before the turn, place the bat and head of for a another run. Of course if the other run isnt on, then you can cancel the call and the batsmen will head back.
Well timing is also a factor. I'm fairly certain that Paul has it fairly well worked out. Remember the reasons he began making this game - there is no way he would let anything silly like not having timing affecting shots get into the game.

Yea, of course. Im sure that timing will be made a big factor, just when you say power it worries me a little because i dont wont another cricket game that is just a hit sixes and fours and thats it... but im sure my worries are pointless because from my understanding the basis of the concept for TOAC is to make a realistic cricket game.

And yea that is a good point... maybe you could have a button to make the batsman dive to get back to the crease. I dont know if this has happened to anyone else but sometimes in BLIC 2009 i've been run out because the batsman slows down and turns and goes to plant the bat in the crease and is only just out... when if they were to just run through it would be have been no contest.

Also... appeal button. The longer you hold it the longer the appeal goes for etc... and maybe tap it a couple times and the appeal is louder. And if you dont appeal you wont get certain wickets lol. And if it is a close call the louder you appeal the more chance you have of getting the wicket.
could be fun haha
It's a power bar type feature, with varying colours on the bar to describe not only the power but the lofting of shots. Something like:
- green - along the floor
- yellow - lofted (think chip over the infield)
- orange - bigger hit
- red - out of control swipe.

Or something like that.

last time i heard, he changed that system. as far as i remember it will have 3 switches for three types of strokes (defensive/push, ground shot. lofted shot) and there is going to be individual power bars for each of those kinds. so now we can do a lofted shot with not too much power, but still with enough power to clear the infield.

or something like that :p

don't remember anything about the timing though..
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Sounds cool, im sure that the timing will be an underlining aspect... might not be able to see a gauge but it would have to be there... cause timing is everything with playing strokes. like seeing a block go to the boundary because it was timed so well.
From what I remember, the shots are real collision-based events, so presumably the game can tell if the ball was middled, at what angle the bat is, and it's velocity and direction, so real shots should produce real results. I'm not exactly sure if it's quite that in-depth, as that would make batting nigh on impossible.
If that is the basis of how it works then timing would be a factor and it sounds AWESOME! man this game will be better than i thought... which was already pretty good lol
hey guys, just seeing as this discussion has gone a bit dead, thought I might throw a suggestion out there. do you think you might leak a little gameplay teaser anytime soon? how about 'backyard cricket'? In which you would face an over of stock standard bowling and hit if over the fence with a small selection of novelty shots. Would be great just to get an early feel of this promising game.


That being said, no rush. Keep up the amazing work guys.
I think this suggestion will be included by LM and JK in TAOC v2 or v3(if they would be released)...

Dude, forget about V2 or V3. V1 hasn't even been released yet. I doubt that V2 will even be released. No one is working on this right now. The work is going too slow. No one is finishing up the models or anything else. LM is not back yet nor is JK. I wonder when this game will release.
I can sympathise with them though MS, it's my first year at uni this year and i can totally understand that with all the exams and assignments due around this time of the year, you can hardly blame them for not having the time to whip up a nice video game.

hey are human after all (unlike the robots working at EA that keep rolling out that trash).

I would love to be of some sort of assistance here guys. I don't have any extensive computer knowledge, so modelling etc is far beyond me. Any sort of 'IRL' stuff I can deal with :D
I can sympathise with them though MS, it's my first year at uni this year and i can totally understand that with all the exams and assignments due around this time of the year, you can hardly blame them for not having the time to whip up a nice video game.

hey are human after all (unlike the robots working at EA that keep rolling out that trash).

I would love to be of some sort of assistance here guys. I don't have any extensive computer knowledge, so modelling etc is far beyond me. Any sort of 'IRL' stuff I can deal with :D

well, my comment was just 10% towards JK and LM bu the rest was to the 3d modelers that are helping in making the models. No one is making the stadiums now like they did 3 or 4 months ago. Everyone suddenly stopped. I am also making it but i am stuck at one part when i have asked suggestion at the 3d models thread but no one has replied back yet. At least i am finishing my work but what about the rest of the people? If we just wait for JK and LM to get back to work and if they start then we all start then this game will not release until 4 or 5 more years. We have to finish our parts until JK and LM are busy.
Dude, you're blaming everyone else but what are you doing? You haven't done anything recently either.
@MS-everyone was doing work at there peak in February:rolleyes:....

but then they suddenly stopped because the month of march just came up and this month brings Stressfull exams,New Session etc with one has a time to look on the stadium...
and when the month of April came,everyone are trying to get back on there work but because they have lost there concentration over stadium on march,therefore it is being very difficult for them(inc. me)to get back to work.....Moreover JK and LM are not active to boost the concentration and confidence to the 3d modellers...

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