NFL Mafia - End Game - Town and Manly win

Just waiting on one to confirm, not even sure who, but I'll get started anyway.


Day 0

Some of the best players from the NFL gathered at the party in Super Bowl XLVI host city, Indianapolis, Indiana. Some were there to talk about their excellent seasons, some were there just to enjoy the free food and drink. However, a select few were the baddest players in the league and were looking for revenge on those that were in the media spotlight for the right reasons.

They would have to wait until the next night to do any damage though.

We begin with a non-lethal Night 0. Please send in your night actions to me via PM, even if you decide not to use your role.
However, a select few were the baddest players in the league and were looking for revenge on those that were in the media spotlight for the right reasons.

Kudos - That's very well worded! :thumbs
Waiting on one role. Sorry if the start has seemed slow. Hopefully it can pick up once the Night 0 write up is posted.
Night 0

He knew he didn't have to do anything tonight, but he thought he'd go by his fellow linebacker's room just to be on the safe side. As expected, he wasn't needed and after a while he headed back to his room.


They had both been hated by certain fans across their careers, and one was not about to let the other get up to anything overnight. They chatted and smoked all night, eventually returning to their rooms in the early hours of the morning.


With most of the players fast asleep, one man couldn't. Instead he visited a friend, asking for some information. He knew he couldn't know everything but at least he had got something. This information would come in handy later and he knew he'd learn more the next night.


It had been his first season in the NFL but it hadn't gone as hoped. Now he had the chance to make a name for himself. He knew who he was targeting, and as they slept he slipped into their room. After rummaging through a few papers he found what he had been looking for. Satisfied with the result, he headed back to his room for a good night's sleep.


It is now Day 1. With 12 alive it takes 7 votes to lynch.

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