Puddle Mafia 01 - Game over. Town wins.

You still give mafia vibes Adi. -_-

It was between BKB and Mark, considering how inactive BKB was and how he was consistently not ready to believe the town RB thing, I went with my gut feeling and lynched him. Obviously you and Colin felt the same way.
Day 3

The mysterious mistress of night had signified her arrival with a plummeting of temperature. The heavy rain intermittently making way for hail. Night had not been kind to him thus far, perhaps finally he would load a lucky bullet.

There was no more information. Now it was time to act. Where would the finger of fate point? Ruin or redemption.

Barmyarmy is dead. He was cop. Town aligned.
You may target a player to be inspected, thus discovering their alignment. You will receive a Private Message from the moderator containing either [Anti-Town] or [Pro-Town]

It is now day 3. With 3 alive it takes 2 to lynch.
@Varun - It wasn't me. I role blocked Colin, just to make sure that if he survives the night he is cleared.

Varun is town, I've believed his claim since he role claimed. How quick is Mark, trying to being innocent, knowing nothing about what is happening and that's how he has played over the last 2 days or so. Inactive/quiet, meaning business. Well done Mark but sorry to say, you aren't winning this one. ;)

Lynch : Mark

Mafia Godfather/role blocker? Jeez, that's some power.
you were very careful to accuse bevab and FOS him and had but passed on the opportunity to hammer him.

over-defensive about a nothing allegations which is often a mafia tell.

as for godfather and role blocker, the godfather can often inherit roles of dead teammates.

then again no proof you are what you claimed either.
There are two proofs of me being a role blocker. Barmyarmy and Varun, both admitted that they were blocked on night 0 and night 1 respectively and I was the one who blocked them. What more proof do you want?

I had not passed the opportunity to hammer Bevab on day 1, I agreed with Sedition's point about letting him survive another day to see if the cop can investigate him and know whether he is insane/paranoid/normal. If I was told at that point to hammer him, I wouldn't have hesitate. It wasn't me who suggested Bevab to survive another day. At that time, none of us knew that there are two cops or else he should have been hammered.

Being over-defensive isn't negative and you must see who was putting suspicion on me. A third party killer. Does that even mean anything at all? It all makes sense now, a third party killer targeted me with a few very weak points to which I defended, in detail. At the end of the day, I proved that I am innocent. Providing a defense is never a negative thing, I don't see how being over-defensive can be a mafia tell.

In fact, being inactive and bragging about lynching one member is a mafia tell. You were aggressive towards your own mafia team mate in Bevab, what's the big deal? What have you done throughout this game, after the lynch of Bevab?
About your point of GF being able to inherit the roles of his dead team mates. If I am the GF, from whom did I inherit the role of RB?


I claimed vanilla to make sure that the mafia's don't target me during the night because RB is a important town role.

Later when Colin and Varun claimed their actual roles, I did too. A mafia wouldn't have. I cleared them both, on day 2 itself, which a mafia would never ever do. Why would I clear two townies if I'm mafia? Apart from this, I was aggressive towards Zhourb throughout day 1 but the others were not, in the end he was a third party killer. What more you expect from me? Only 1 mafia is dead so far, it isn't like I could lynch another one. I am now though.
I wasn't blocked, it was just to check Aditya out for one last time. Mark is the most likely mafia here. Since PD is off, I might as well as wait before the hammer.
Lynch: Mark.

Should be it, unless Aditya has played a mindbogglingly amazing game here.

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